How much time do you waste a week?

Posted by Mike G.
Sep 10, 2013
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Comments (63)
Iris B.

Networker, Marketeer

lol ...i have so many other things (besides work) to fill my life with but even when i watch tv or sit in the garden. it's no time wasted in my opnion, i am never bored :)

Sep 4, 2013 1 Like Like it
Mike G.


Van, it's funny someone just told me that they only want to do a couple of hours a day because they don't want to be bogged down. I do 16 hours a day for the most part and never had so much fun.

When I go to buy a car I'm working because I can get a huge discount for my services offered. When I take a vacation normally it's on someone else...the people I meet on said vacation normally get signed up with something.

I get ton of gift cards for helping people in the mail. Most important I get to

Sep 4, 2013 Like it
TamaraV Kane

Stock Market Trader

Time to waste - NONE - time to keep me sane - Apsense - Time for Work - NONSTOP - Time for fun - I play and work all at the same time, I multi-task very well LOL

Sep 4, 2013 Like it
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