Do you think EN is a scam?

Posted by Jay Carey
Aug 30, 2013
14 people like it
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Comments (25)
William Clinkscales

DB Developer/Tech, Affiliate IM

@Ritu You obviously have not matured to a position of understanding the concept and magnitude of how to make money on the internet.

Royal Scams, Really? You surly have read my comments in this thread, so I need not repeat my position on Empower.

My Empower Network Business is practically totally automated. Does this take money? Absolutely yes. I am the founder of EmpowerHive Team and affiliated with the Prosperity Team, Team Tissa, and TeamTakeMassiveAction. Between us, we offer complete sup

Aug 30, 2013 Like it
Ritu Anand

Online Marketing Entrepreneur

In my opinion, yes, it is a scam. Sites which insist on you paying fees of any kind in order to build a business with them are in my opinion, royal scams. Just imagine, even if the fee is just $1 and 1000 people join in a day - after all what is $1? Can you imagine how rich the owner of that site would become.?
The only sites that are not scams, are those sites like SFI which never force you to spend any money. That's not to say that you cannot spend on their sites, or that by spending you will

Aug 30, 2013 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

Hi Will,

Thanks for the welcome, but I was never gone... :-) Thanks for your responses and I did let the video run and upon exiting, the window closed without any exit popup.

Best wishes to you


Aug 21, 2013 Like it
William Clinkscales

DB Developer/Tech, Affiliate IM

@Joe Nice to see you back, always enjoy your company.

Let me address these few comments.

#1. The have an event every 3/mo. The Empower Network Corporation is pulling in millions. Corporations do not run themselves. Not sure what their salaries are, I assure you it's big however they are the founders. They had a dream, a vision. It ends their for most folks, they took action and made it happen. What ever they make is well desired for taking EN to the level they are today. Have you checked their

Aug 21, 2013 Like it
Roger Boisjoli

A Mentor with a servant`s heart

Great comments Joe! For anyone dissatisfied with EN, you can easily get your money back. D & D are so worried they will be audited, they will do anything to try to pacify the malcontents.

Aug 21, 2013 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

@William... we had some interaction about EN a few weeks ago and once again you made quite a few passionate pleas in this thread, some of which have tickled my interest...
1. The EN events are income generators for D & D (as you stated)... have you ever made the calculation how many millions they have made out of that? Imagine average of 4,500 people paying an average of $150 each times the number of events... you will know better how many events there have been... You mentioned how D & D have

Aug 21, 2013 2 Likes Like it
William Clinkscales

DB Developer/Tech, Affiliate IM

@Chuck FYI I'm part owner of Comppage Inc. an offline business, brick and mortar, whatever. So I've always had the desire for the business mindset.

What I really enjoy in my on-line experience is the freedom, the associations of new found friendships, sharing my knowledge of past and what I learn today. It has been a new found excitement for me. Know matter in whatever venture I pursue and if something goes array beyond my control, I will always move forward and achieve success.

Speaking bey

Aug 21, 2013 Like it
Chuck Bartok

Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing

My two cents....

First of all, no one really NEEDS to pay anyone else to learn HOW to Make money.
There is a multitude of FREE Quality Information.
Heck our talk shows have provided over 800 hours of thorough business building instruction and self Development Information for the past 9 years, for FREE
Our fans buy hosting for $45 year, and create products quality content directed to the niches they like and seem to be happy with the cash flow. It is in direct proportion to energy expended, lik

Aug 21, 2013 Like it
William Clinkscales

DB Developer/Tech, Affiliate IM

Excuse me, the product you purchase for $25 is a basically done for you blogging platform. That's it, period.

If you choose to become an affiliate, the compensation model is a 2,4,6 then every 5th pass up which is paid directly to you via their eCommerce .

And that last statement you made, if it were true then the govt needs to shut down Google for allowing websites to earn money on their ad-sense ads posted on any website, is that not earning commissions on a website? Besides, that negates

Aug 21, 2013 Like it
Roger Boisjoli

A Mentor with a servant`s heart

So what happens to the enrolment fee? It doesn't go to pay for any product because there is no product. It goes to pay the upline. But wait a minute here! Is that not the classic definition of a Ponzi scheme?
After all the US government is quite clear of its definition of a legitimate enterprise. Any opportunity MUST have a value added product or service that people would pay for even if there was no opportuniy for income attached. Also you cannot legitimately get commission from web sit

Aug 20, 2013 2 Likes Like it
William Clinkscales

DB Developer/Tech, Affiliate IM

@ Edna & Roger, Really?

A pyramid investment swindle: a pyramid investment swindle in which supposed profits are paid to early investors from money actually invested by later participants. I've heard Pyramid, I've heard Scam but Ponzi?

Did you know that Dave & Dave make their money in Empower just like everyone else. Where is their cut in a 100% commission model?

Do they make money on affiliate fees, probable. Do they make money holding events, absolutely. Note: They spent $80k on the Denv

Aug 20, 2013 Like it
Roger Boisjoli

A Mentor with a servant`s heart

It may not be a scam but it is a Ponzi scheme.

Aug 20, 2013 1 Like Like it
William Clinkscales

DB Developer/Tech, Affiliate IM

@Mike, Yes my sentiments exactingly. The folks being introduced to on-line marketing simply believe everything is a pyramid or scam. Mindset, just saying.

Aug 20, 2013 Like it
Mike G.


William, funny but true video when I do try to get offliners to make a money online.

Aug 20, 2013 Like it
William Clinkscales

DB Developer/Tech, Affiliate IM

@Mike You are a man of wisdom my friend.

Aug 20, 2013 Like it
Mike G.


Yeah, that Oswald...I will comb my hard drive but I have shared them before and got the hammered by the big boys. If you are doing well in EN I suggest leave it alone and collect the life long checks.

William, although you might not care about it but I respect you...this isn't about you on my end. We are made to sell dirt to ants in the most respectable way. I'm feeding into the the way the concept is presented.

When someone has set up a paper business but sells the ideas to people that they c

Aug 20, 2013 Like it
William Clinkscales

DB Developer/Tech, Affiliate IM

@Terry A salute to you for your honesty.

@David, noticed you do graphic design? Do you do logo's? PM me, I'm shopping for a new logo design for my EmpowerHive Team. Of course you can only charge me what WP charges LOL. Seriously, PM me and maybe with some examples you've created. I have logo creator but just can't quite satisfy myself.

This may bring a laugh to everyone. It's a comic video I placed on a squeeze page for EN.
I tried to bring some perspective to one's mindset. It's funny, so e

Aug 20, 2013 Like it
Terry Warner

My Leads Call Me

Fellow APSenser's,
Didn't mean to sound so rough.
Catch you tomorrow, off to the bowling alley. :)

Aug 20, 2013 Like it
Terry Warner

My Leads Call Me

After reading countless posts about EN, I come back to on e realization. That is: Everyone here is an Adult and supposed to be making "quality and informed decisions" concerning their networking.

I, for one, tried EN twice and failed at it both times. I am a published author, blogger, and have a somewhat successful networking business.

I have 2 friends, both who make money using EN. For them it is legitimate. For myself, it may be legitimate but not something I have been successful at.

I d

Aug 20, 2013 3 Likes Like it
William Clinkscales

DB Developer/Tech, Affiliate IM

@Mike are we speaking of Oswald Rodrigues here at Apsense? Would like to listen to your audios of the guys laughing at it's members if that is possible? Just curious.

Aug 20, 2013 Like it
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