Do you hate the President of the United States?

Posted by Mike G.
Dec 19, 2013
4 people like it
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Comments (27)
Mike G.


David, this one you will not win since I'm in the middle of it so I will get you pics when I can find them with known triple "K" leaders shaking hands with will take me awhile to find them though but if you can explain Santorum calling our president the government "N" here:

Michele Bachmann's comment on blacks were happier in slavery!

Michele Bachmann's statements period...

See I let it go

Dec 19, 2013 Like it
David Smith

Website Design, Graphic Design, Internet Marketing

"... they get really angry when they find out I'm downtown Detroit having lobster on their dime..."

LMAO! I love it!

They are not Republicans, however. They are Democrats and always have been. In fact, they hate Republicans because we disagree with their lefty, pro-slavery politics.

Dec 18, 2013 Like it
Mike G.


"What are your solutions for fixing America's economy?" sounds good to me! Will start it but I do business with the triple "K" group and have for years they are solid "R's" they get really angry when they find out I'm downtown Detroit having lobster on their dime but hey you live and learn.

Anyhow I let's see how this question thing kicks off! Thanks.

Dec 17, 2013 Like it
David Smith

Website Design, Graphic Design, Internet Marketing

P.S. Any suggestions for a thread topic? I mean, since it will be in question format. Perhaps something along the lines of "What are your solutions for bringing freedom back to America?" Or "What are your solutions for fixing America's economy?" etc.

Dec 17, 2013 Like it
David Smith

Website Design, Graphic Design, Internet Marketing

"Let's start a new thread full of solutions we can debate it but it has to be positive in nature and no person left behind."

Sounds good. But no more wannabe psychology jive. You know, where you try to make the reader think that you have offered solutions or that anyone who you disagree with is just an angry person trying to sell paranoia. That is just a bit too typical and childish and you are clearly better than those far-left loons at Care2, StormFront, etc.

"I could have ripped your arg

Dec 16, 2013 Like it
Mike G.


David Smith, I must apologize for thinking you are getting paid to write the end we are inches apart in my mind the only thing I feel we truly differ is I don't like spreading negatives without a positive solution.

Anyone can destroy a room but it is work fixing it up and help is hard to come by...the president is who he is and won't leave until said date how can David and I come up with something we can do?

See solutions looses people and it takes work...if you told people what you

Dec 16, 2013 Like it
David Smith

Website Design, Graphic Design, Internet Marketing

"... you are repeating the same fear that Hitler did..."

You have it the wrong way around. I am telling obvious truths, whereas Hitler lied and said things the opposite of how they truly were, which is what you do (see your previous post, for example).

"I do business with a group that hates my skin color. They use the same tactics that you are using here and I'm not saying you are one way or another but I can show you a hundred cases of the same exact message you are giving almost word for wo

Dec 14, 2013 1 Like Like it
David Smith

Website Design, Graphic Design, Internet Marketing

Mike, I may not like your politics, but I will never lose respect for you personally or professionally.

"Now when you bring up Hitler it kills you message for so many..."

I am sure that it does. Those people are uneducated about what went on in Germany under Hitler. People have been brainwashed by Hollywood to be so stuck on the violence that they are unaware of things that happened before the violence started. And it worked. They are idly sitting by while what happened to the Germans happ

Dec 14, 2013 1 Like Like it
Mike G.


First of all David I would like to compliment you on at least coming to the fore front and having a reasonable discussion about a complex matter, thank you sir.

Now when you bring up Hitler it kills you message for so many and I think through the reasonable disdain for the government your message has some very important facts. A black guy and Hitler comparison is the stupidest thing even the most loyal think privately...

Concepts of Hitler was only to get power and money by fear and long winde

Dec 14, 2013 Like it
David Smith

Website Design, Graphic Design, Internet Marketing

"Everything I said is on Google anyone can look it up for themselves... "

Yeah. That's a given. Everything everybody says is on Google. Just make sure to not get caught up in any Nazi propaganda sites, like Wikipedia, HuffingtonPost or StormFront.

"... to try to fan lies over crap doesn't help you." Well said. Now live it.

"If you don't know you're in crap then the first Lady President here we come! After that the first Hispanic president, Asian, disabled, blind etc...all Democrats."


Dec 14, 2013 1 Like Like it
David Smith

Website Design, Graphic Design, Internet Marketing

Think much?
REPUBLICAN Lincoln freed the slaves.
REPUBLICAN King fought for equal rights.

Don't bring up your worn-out talking point of entire parties consisting of millions of people 'switching names', either. It will only prove how brainwashed you are.

Left-wing political systems are based on hatred and slavery -from Democracy to Communism, they all take freedom from the people and give power to the elite. The ONLY political system in the world that is based wholly on freedom is the Republ

Dec 14, 2013 1 Like Like it
David Smith

Website Design, Graphic Design, Internet Marketing

You have it all so backward, Mike. Please wake up from your comfortable slumber and join us in reality.

"... let's ignore the fact that 4 of the Republican nominees could all be in jail or was being investigated..."

No. Let's ignore that fact that you and your friends in the media conveniently ignore Democrat wrongs, legal or otherwise. The only time that you bring up any legal issues are for the rare occasion when it is a "Republican" on trial. Every time that a left-winger does something

Dec 14, 2013 1 Like Like it
Mike G.


Jim, thanks for your great share.

Dec 13, 2013 Like it
Jim Smith

Marketing Entrepreneur

Hate is a strong word, however, I no longer listen to any of his speeches. He has proven himself to be an opportunistic liar. Of course he is not alone. There are plenty of liars in both parties who now serve them selves rather than the citizens.

Dec 13, 2013 1 Like Like it
Mike G.


David, let's ignore the fact that 4 of the Republican nominees could all be in jail or was being investigated...whats funny is the major ideas that the president except the Bin Laden thing all came from the Republicans.

Obama Care = Romney Care
The bailout = President Bush started it

There was one time I that Republicans held a conference with smugs on there faces saying if the president really wants to do something the he should do "X"...6 hours later a reporter caught up with the president

Dec 13, 2013 Like it
David Smith

Website Design, Graphic Design, Internet Marketing

"Many worse presidents?" Name them.

Dec 13, 2013 Like it
Ebuka Okpala

Forex and Options Trader

Hahaha!!! Why should i hate the president?

Dec 13, 2013 Like it


it's a good president

Dec 13, 2013 Like it
faii acy

GPT Site Owner/Operator

"Don't believe everything you see on T.V."
You're saying he did NOT get elected twice? Paranoia and conspiracy theories reign supreme in your household?

There have been many worse presidents, even recently. GW could barely tie his own shoes......

Dec 13, 2013 1 Like Like it
David Smith

Website Design, Graphic Design, Internet Marketing

"But he did get elected twice..."

Don't believe everything you see on T.V.

"... and if there was an option for 3rd and 4th term he would get elected those times too..."

Definitely not that. There are not enough people to vote for him. Half of his own party is against him.

"... but I will put you down as yes you hate him."

And there you go, Mike. That arrogance is exactly why guys like Obama cannot get elected without rigging elections and faking votes from dead people and convicted felon

Dec 13, 2013 Like it
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