Do you believe it is possible to love your enemies?

Posted by Philippe Moisan
Jan 19, 2017
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Comments (61)
Oliver Sayers


My Brother---According to the Bible in the Book of Lukes 6:27-36.. Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, [28] bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. [29] If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. [30] Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. [31] Do to others as you would have them do to you.But love your enemies, do go

Nov 19, 2012 Like it
Harry S.


Bruce, you're right and it's rare for anyone to fight with me physically but I haven't reached that level yet. As matter of fact I want to brings some of my MMA friends to get the guy who punched you! I have growing to do to reach that level, sorry.

"Keep Smiling"

Nov 19, 2012 Like it
Bruce Bates

Cooperative marketing

Harry in your vast and infinite wisdom, I think you gave the perfect reply.... and then clouded it up at the end with imperfection :)

The answer is as simple as you put it, love - love endlessly, when you do there is no time to do anything except love. You can't hate if you never stop loving. BUT if you never stop loving, you won't hit the guy back. You will offer him your other cheek.

I am one of the very very rare people I know. Philippe, you ask about courage to do so, I would have and hav

Nov 19, 2012 Like it
Terry Warner

My Leads Call Me

Let me add my 2 cents worth.
I have 4 adopted children. All grown now. All were abused and have horrific stories.

I had to teach them to not hate, else they were doomed to repeat their past.

I had to show them that they can do nothing about yesterday. They can only do something about today.

If they continue to do the "right things" today, eventually their tomorrows will get better.

One thing they cannot do is hate their past. It is what it is. They sure don't won't to go back and re-visi

Nov 19, 2012 1 Like Like it
Harry S.


Yes, you're suppose to walk away and don't let me talk you out of it. I haven't reached that point in my life yet. I was just saying I wouldn't leave a person hating them. I just think I have the slightest understanding why I just haven't developed fully yet. Thanks.

Nov 19, 2012 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Hey Harry, and you called me wise, wow, awesome comment, thanks for sharing :)

As for this:

"If someone punches me in the face I will punch them back"

I'm 6 foot 1 and around 200 pounds, so it doesn't happen often that anybody wants to punch me, and anyway, I don't to provoke anyone in that regard. The thing is, and I've been thinking about that for a year or 2, if I was punched, Jesus would expect me to get back up and offer the other cheek. Would I have the courage to do so, or would I flee

Nov 19, 2012 Like it
Harry S.


Philippe, this is something that I think about from time to time. I've been on the love your neighbor thing but to answer your question, I believe if you love yourself then you love your enemies also.

As the beautiful and talented Lisa F. said love repells hate. If I don't love then I hate causing emotional and physical problems for myself. That's something I don't have time for, especially tearing me down for nothing.

I don't want to change this subject but I feel that it is related. I've be

Nov 19, 2012 Like it
Oswald Rodrigues

@ Philippe - I think Ramson is talking about Santa Claus who is avoiding Ramson because the latter gave a tall order for his Christmas gifts (Gucci, Louis Vuitton and what-not). Poor Santa! With the current state of the economy, how can the poor old guy afford to give such expensive gifts to Ramson?

Keep frowning.

Nov 19, 2012 1 Like Like it
Daniela Stanciu


Sometime 99%of our enemies are the peoples we know.Never un unknow person cant be an enemie."More i know you,more i hurt dont know me ,you cant hurt me!" is possible .......

Nov 19, 2012 Like it
Bruce Bates

Cooperative marketing

Philippe I love your reply to paula.

Paula - its easy for us to chose to not love things we don;t understand - but as Philippe points out - thats not what God wants of us.

Here is the thing - what if some poor soul was beaten and raped from the time he/she was 6 months old. What if they were sold into child slave trade by age 5. What if they were forced as they grew up to help rape and kidnap other children.... and then at 18 they were shoved out the door of some pedophile brothel because th

Nov 19, 2012 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

@Ramson, not sure if your comment is on topic, care to explain ?

@Paula, God loves everyone, and he asks us to do the same. I admit that without His help, I can't do it. One thing: loving someone doesn't mean to condone what they do unconditionally. But justice is in the hands of the Lord.

Nov 19, 2012 Like it
Shalonda Gordon

The On-Line Marketing Angel

Yes!! It is necessary in order to have true promotion.. Now is it easy?? That question is an entirely different situation. I have found that anything is possible with prayer.... ANYTHING!! And when we look at how Jesus loved us.. I find it worth it every time.. keep smiling

Nov 19, 2012 Like it
Vishwajeet Kumar


Yes! I think, People should love their Enemy & Just hate your enemy evilness or bad behavior.

Nov 19, 2012 Like it
Ramsom Ejike Baba


Can't believe he deleted me on his BBM,can't reach him on his phone, he moved 4rm his house,removed me from his friends on Facebook n twitter just because I gave d list of things I want for Xmas 1. Brazilian Hair -N95k. 2. Gucci bag-N350k. 3. Louis vitton wallet-N60k. 4.DNKY wrist watch-N70k. 5. Correct Italo shoes-N140k. 6. Iphone-N150k. & Blackberry bold 5 N120k, A trip to Bahamas and just a Rover sport... Dear friends did I ask him for too much?

Nov 19, 2012 Like it
Bibek Maharjan

SEO Expert and Web Designer

I don't think that we can love our enemies.

Nov 19, 2012 Like it
Krishnamurthi Balaji

Small deviation gets big Variation!

Well, I believe I won't hate, but loving to the maximum, I doubt if anybody would do!

Nov 19, 2012 Like it
Terry Warner

My Leads Call Me

Yes, love your enemies. Anyone can hate. Who are we, in this world, to decide who we like or dis-like?

Nov 19, 2012 Like it
Oswald Rodrigues

No. But it is possible to hate your friends.

Nov 19, 2012 Like it
Paula van Dun


It depends on the reason why you consider a person an enemy. Personally I do not hate anyone although there are some I dislike. I must confess I could never love a person that takes pleasure in harming or torturing other people or animals on purpose.

Nov 19, 2012 Like it
Anthony Kpodo

Internet Marketer

Jesus directed us to love our neighbors as ourselves. When the Lawyer wanted wanted to know "Who my neighbor is," Jesus told the the story of the Good Samaritan. Follow up from there and tell me whether that enemy is a neighbor.

Nov 19, 2012 1 Like Like it
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