DO you believe in past lives?

Posted by Lisa Barnes
Mar 3, 2018
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Comments (22)
Laura M.


of course, we are here to learn all learnable lessons, so we need more than one life to explore, learn and live all possible experiences. No matter how good or bad you are, you are here to learn and teach, and share existance with all that exists!

Jun 3, 2013 2 Likes Like it
Ixodoi Dae

Programer, Writer, Designer, SEO

I'm a Jew and as a Jew my religious is claiming that our soul is eternal and exists from since God decided to create us.
Therefore a lot of Rabbis claim that once a person die there are 3 possibilities:
1. He was a very good person and go to heaven.
2. He was evil and go to hell.
3. He wasn't bad enough for hell, nor good enough for heaven - so he is given a second change on earth.

Jun 3, 2013 2 Likes Like it
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