Can anybody explain how does Apsense Spotlight Campaign actually work?

Posted by Matt Buller
Aug 23, 2017
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Comments (23)
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

not selected by the admin, Naveen, it's a random process, based on a number of factors

Nov 17, 2012 Like it
Naveen S.

Digital Marketing Expert

Things which are being viewed most and being shared and liked most... it is selected by the admin..

Nov 16, 2012 Like it
Rose Frankie

Internet eBusiness,

it is selected by system randomly
wanna to be friends, Connect me or allow to join me in your community its my pleasure keep in touch

Nov 16, 2012 Like it
Harry S.


Congrats Oksana on making it to the "Spot".

Nov 14, 2012 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

@Oksana, the criterias are undisclosed to avoid having members use tricks to enhances their chances of getting a page on a spotlight campaign.

If you look at the numbers in a spotlight campaign, you'll see that "Owner reward: 20% x1P" means owner gets 20% of the total number of credits there is at the end of the campaign. So, it total is 1,000, owner gete 20%. The other rewards are for the members who bought a ticket ( 1 ticket is worth 20 credits ). The grand winner gets 35%, so in the example

Nov 14, 2012 Like it
Matt Buller

Free Social Promotion

Thanks Rose (Nice name!) for explaining.

Nov 14, 2012 Like it
Ha Po

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Nov 14, 2012 Like it
Rose Frankie

Internet eBusiness,

spotlight Campaign is selected by the system automatically based on more like and comment on Review page, Article, Question, Brand Page etc

Nov 14, 2012 1 Like Like it
Matt Buller

Free Social Promotion

Thanks Bruce, now it's clear as one, two, three.

Nov 14, 2012 Like it
Bruce Bates

Cooperative marketing

This is a very simple thing actually.

A random review page, article, or brand page is chosen (seemingly based on recent credit based ad campaigns but don't quote me). There is no way to manipulate the random selection.

When content is randomly selected the owner of the content gets credits. Others have the chance to win credits (and also increase the amount of credits the owner of the content gets). To win credits they buy tickets. If they are a winner in the end, they get credits.

Its tha

Nov 14, 2012 1 Like Like it
Matt Buller

Free Social Promotion

@ Philippe Thanks. Can you share any criteria?

Nov 13, 2012 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

The spotlight campaign is a random process that chooses pages based on a number of undisclosed criteria

Nov 13, 2012 1 Like Like it
Matt Buller

Free Social Promotion

@ Harry I'm sure that You happy today actually)) Congrats!

@ Terry Thanks for methods, and what was the results? Top 20, 10, 5? Or did posts generate traffic themselves?

Nov 13, 2012 Like it
Terry Warner

My Leads Call Me

I look at the number of tickets and figure my odds. I just bought 20 tickets Harry. We'll see.

Nov 13, 2012 Like it
Harry S.


Lol, I got one of my questions on Spotlight now the 2nd time it happened recently.

Nov 13, 2012 Like it
Terry Warner

My Leads Call Me

I'll give out a few of my tips.
1. I write an article an post it on GoArticles first. Why? There is NO Delay in getting a published URL.
2. I post to Ezine Articles.
3. I post to FB, Twitter, My Blog, My Google Blog, and then to APSense.
4. I use the same keywords for ALL postings.
5. I try and post an article a day. In all honesty, that is tough, and you need to write ahead.

This is not everything I do but, it is for the most part. I make sure I respond to every email and comment.

One mo

Nov 13, 2012 1 Like Like it
Matt Buller

Free Social Promotion

@Joe "I find that if you start with your own hosted wordpress blog and then lead it to your Revpage..." Mmm....Cross linking? Great idea! Thanks for sharing it Joe.

So, you suppose that being promoted on SC is based on the content quality? Ok 1+ for "Chosen randomly" and 1 + for "Based on content quality"

And how are chosen credit winners? Do you agree that randomly?

Nov 13, 2012 Like it
Harry S.


Wow, I'm impressed and now that I look at your articles there goes promoting that stuff, thanks. Have you tried backlinking your articles? Interlinking? I need to talk to you one on one. I have some ideas that might work.

Nov 13, 2012 1 Like Like it
Joe Sansoucie

Advertising Your Business Is My Business

I find that if you start with your own hosted wordpress blog and then lead it to your Revpage, which features your articles, videos, page tours, etc, that the content tends to stay up longer on Google for the chosen keyword phrase. It must be at every hop, so in the title of the blog post, the content of course, the link to the Revpage and then in the title of the Revpage, the content etc...

If you write good content on Apsense you will find it showcased in the spotlight campaign. :-) Sometim

Nov 13, 2012 1 Like Like it
Matt Buller

Free Social Promotion

@Harry, sure. I do also target my articles on Apsense insiders and search engines both. But unfortunately my content doesn't stay on high SERP for long. The fact is that Google consider Apsense as trusted source but never keep single page in the high positions longer than one, two days. I suppose that one of the reasons is that here published too may articles with pretty similar tags.
It would be great if spotlight campaign would be based on the quality and originality of content rather than ju

Nov 13, 2012 1 Like Like it
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