Why the French state will seize your real estate

Posted by Magnetar Bizness
Jun 12, 2024

The level of public debt in Europe is high and only increasing...

Faced with this observation, certain branches of government are trying to find solutions to channel and reduce this debt.

What could be better than going to rob (spoil in reality), once again, the owners of real estate?

This is what this analytical note produced by a branch of the government proposes by proposing to legally steal French real estate...

Does that seem crazy to you? However, it is very serious.

PS: for several months, I have paid particular attention to the nature of the assets I buy in the face of the decadence of Europe. One of the main criteria is my ability to “take” my assets with me from one country to another. This is why I invest in securities: US stocks and start-ups around the world (except Europe).


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