Liposuction Care After Surgery

Posted by Dr Rajat Gupta
May 2, 2024

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat deposits from specific areas of the body. While it can help you achieve a more sculpted appearance, it's crucial to remember that it's still surgery and requires proper aftercare for optimal healing and minimal complications. It helps reduce swelling, prevent infection, and ensure the best possible shape after removing fat. 

Here are a few simple steps that can help you heal well and keep your body’s new shape looking its best.

During the first 72 hours

  • During the first 24 to 72 hours following surgery, it is typical for bloody fluid to drip into clothing and linens. For your safety, the fluid is injected into the area before liposuction to remove fat.

  • Except for while taking a shower, a compression garment should be worn at all times. 

  • To avoid blood clot formation, move every two hours. Additionally, this will lessen swelling and keep bodily fluids flowing.

Caring for your Incisions

Your dressings from the liposuction site will be removed after 24 to 72 hours following surgery. Your wounds might be shut, or they might be left exposed. Leave any tape or steri-strips covering the incisions in place if you have them. Your surgeon will remove those strips in the facility, or they can be left alone and allowed to come off independently.

Recovery Tips

While it is best to let your body heal itself naturally, there are several things you can do to speed up your healing process:

1. Eat well

Even if you're healthy, surgery is tough on your body. Proper healing requires good nutrition, so include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet to help boost recovery.

2. Stay hydrated

Post-procedure, drink plenty of water because hydration is key to successful recovery.

3. Take a walk

Rather than doing heavy exercises, light movement can help speed your body's healing. If you feel like it, taking short breaks is a great way to get moving without straining your body.

4. Ask for help

It would help if you asked for a friend or family member to help with daily chores like cleaning and running errands.

Post-Liposuction Care Kit

Before your liposuction procedure, make sure you have these items easily available:

  • Comfortable and loose clothing

  • Dark towels to sit on to absorb any leaking fluids

  • Pillows to rest on

  • Bottled water

  • Soda crackers for nausea

  • Pain medication

So, taking good care of yourself after liposuction surgery is important for getting the best results and feeling better. Make sure to rest and follow your surgeon's instructions after the procedure. Just be patient and trust that by looking after yourself well, you'll soon see the benefits of your surgery.

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