Learn - The Benefits of Team Building Sports for Children

Posted by Sandy Mudaliar
Feb 2, 2024

Most parents are aware that allowing their children to play team sports has several health and fitness benefits. For example, they can: 

  1. Developing regular exercise habits from an early age.
  2. Develop bone and muscle strength. 
  3. Improve cardiorespiratory fitness. 
  4. Maintain a healthy weight. 
  5. Learn the importance of proper nutrition. 
  6. Reduce the risk of disease and discomfort. 

However, the mental, emotional and social benefits of playing team sports are less discussed. A growing body of research now focuses on these benefits. This research highlights the many benefits your child can gain from participating in team sports. It does not matter what sport your child plays or their skill level. What matters are the mental, emotional and social skills and lessons that can be gained from playing any team sport. Let’s look at the benefits of these sports for children - with the help of experts offering team building in Sydney.

Happier Children

On a scientific level, children are happier when they exercise. When we exercise, the body releases endorphins. This naturally occurring chemical is scientifically proven to improve mood, reduce stress, relieve anxiety and depression, boost self-esteem and help you sleep better. This makes children happier, more positive and more relaxed after every training session or game. 

Learning Important Values

Being part of a team helps children learn important values throughout their teenage years and into adulthood.

Respect for Coaches, Teammates, Opponents and References

  1. Discipline by learning to play as a team and obey the rules of the sport.
  2. Showing perseverance by having to work together with other players, even if they don't get along. 
  3. According to the specialist offering team building near Syndey, also understand that the team comes before their own needs.

Time Management

As children grow up, the number of obligations they have to manage increases. This increases even more as they get older. Managing school and household chores and taking responsibility for punctuality at training and on match days will help prepare children for the increased time demands they will face in the future.

Better Students

Children who play team sports have been shown to perform better in the classroom. According to the professionals offering team building in Syndey, children who play team sports score on average 40% better on school test scores than children who don't play sports at all. They also report better behaviour in the classroom and more respect for their teachers.

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Author’s Bio: The author is a professional who owns an institution and offers lessons and activities on team building in Syndey, and writing this piece means educating the readers about the topic.

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