The Complete Guide to Growing Apricots in Pots

Posted by Vincent Lee
Feb 1, 2024


We'll lay out a simple yet comprehensive roadmap to successfully cultivating your potted apricot tree. Our aim is to set you and your apricot tree up for a fruitful journey.

Choosing the Right Apricot Variety for Pots

Dwarf or Compact Varieties

Can apricot trees grow in pots? Selecting a dwarf or semi-dwarf apricot variety is essential. They are genetically engineered to grow to a manageable size. These compact trees will fit comfortably within your urban space constraints.

Climate and Space Constraints

Apricots thrive in regions with mild winters and long, warm summers. It's fundamental to choose a variety that can adapt to your local weather. Particularly if you're in an area with less than ideal apricot-growing conditions.

One such variety suitable for the potted garden is the 'Garden Annie'. It has adaptability and delicious fruit. 'Stark HoneyGlo' is notable for its sweet, honeyed apricots. The 'Goldcot' is known for its hardiness and productivity.

Selecting the Appropriate Pot and Soil

Ideal Pot Size and Material

Generally, a container ranging from 18 to 24 inches in diameter makes a comfortable home for apricots. As for the material, go for terra cotta or glazed ceramic to foster good moisture retention yet provide adequate aeration. These are important factors for temperature regulation and root health.

Well-Draining Soil for Container Gardening

Begin by wholesale nursery pots with superior drainage. This prevents waterlogging which can spell doom for apricot roots through rot. You can use loose, loamy soil boasting a mix of compost, vermiculite, or perlite. It will secure the balance between retaining enough moisture and draining the excess.

Choosing a Suitable Potting Mix

For apricot trees, a blend that trends towards sandy with a neutral to slightly alkaline pH does wonders. Incorporating organic matter into your mix. For example, compost or aged manure. It will feed the tree and improve the soil structure and nutrient retention.

How to Grow An Apricot Tree in a Pot?

Step-by-step Guide on Planting Apricot Trees

Begin by filling your pot with a mix of high-quality potting soil and compost. This will provide a fertile, well-draining environment that apricot trees love. Remove the apricot sapling from its nursery pots. Being gentle to disturb the roots as little as possible.

Dig a hole in the center of your pot. Make sure it is deep and wide enough to comfortably contain the root ball of your sapling. Place the sapling in the hole. Ensure the base of the stem is level with the soil surface.

Backfill the hole with your soil mix. Press down firmly to remove any air pockets. Give your newly planted apricot tree a generous amount of water. This initial watering helps settle the soil around the roots. Ensure good contact and help to reduce transplant shock.

Proper Spacing and Depth

When growing an apricot tree in a pot, the hole should be dug to the same depth as the root ball but twice as wide. This allows the roots space to expand. One apricot tree per pot is ideal. It prevents competition for nutrients and space.

Transplanting Apricot Saplings into Pots

Water the sapling well a few hours before transplanting to hydrate the roots. Be mindful when handling the tree to avoid breaking any branches. Position the tree in a sunny spot. Apricots require plenty of sunlight to thrive and bear fruit.

Stake the sapling if needed to provide support against strong winds. Regular care is key for your apricot tree to flourish. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Feed it with a balanced fertilizer according to package instructions. Prune when necessary to promote a robust structure and better fruit production.

Sunlight and Watering Requirements

Sunlight Needs for Apricot Tree in Container

You must position these trees with six to eight hours of direct sunlight daily. A south-facing balcony or patio is ideal for apricot tree indoor. If you're dealing with a shaded yard or balcony, fret not. Even with a bit of shadow, apricots will strive to shine.

Establishing a Consistent Watering Schedule

Consistency is critical when watering potted apricot tree. Irregular watering can stress the tree, stunting growth or causing the fruit to crack. The goal is a moist, not soggy, soil environment. Feel the soil every few days. The top inch should be dry before you water again.

Growing an apricot tree in a pot is more susceptible to dehydration, particularly in warm weather. You might be watering every day during peak summer days. Conversely, over the cool months, your apricot may need watering just once every fortnight.

Recognizing and Addressing Watering Issues

Yellowing leaves can signal too much water. Wilted or dry, brittle foliage suggests the tree is gasping for moisture. If you find standing water at the pot's base, it's a distinct sign of overzealous watering. In contrast, soil pulling away from the pot's edges indicates underwatering.

If you've overwatered, cease all hydration until the topsoil feels dry. Improve drainage by maybe adding sand or perlite to the mix. Addressing underwatering is water thoroughly. This allows moisture to reach even the deepest roots.

Fertilizing and Pruning Tips

Nutrient Requirements

Typically, apricot trees are voracious feeders during the growing season. They require a balanced fertilizer rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These are often referred to as N-P-K. In the early stages of your tree's life, prioritize nitrogen to spur vibrant growth.

Timing and Frequency of Fertilization

Start the feeding season as soon as new growth appears, usually in early spring. A slow-release granular fertilizer is ideal when growing apricots in pots. Distribute it every four to six weeks. Tapering off as summer ends to prevent new growth that can't harden off before winter.

Be vigilant about not over-fertilizing. Excess nutrients can harm your tree more than starving it. Always follow package directions when growing apricot trees in pots. Adjust based on the tree's performance and health. Yellowing leaves often signal a nutrient issue.

Pruning Techniques

The best time to wield your pruning shears is in late winter or early spring before the sap starts to flow and buds begin to swell. Start with the three Ds – dead, diseased, or damaged wood. They could lead to further issues if left unattended. Thin out the tree to improve air circulation and light penetration.

As your apricot matures, focus on maintaining its shape. Remove any growth that crosses or crowds the center of the tree. Vertical branches known as 'watershoots', which often bear no fruit. You should remove them to redirect energy to more fruitful endeavors.

Pest and Disease Management

Common Pests

Aphids can cause leaf curl and distorted growth. Spider mites create fine webs and lead to leaf discoloration and drop. Fruit tree borers tunnel into the branches, weakening and eventually killing the tree if left unchecked. Scale insects latch onto stems and leaves, sapping valuable nutrients.

Organic Pest Control

Organic solutions can offer effective control without the need for harsh chemicals. You can introduce beneficial insects. For example, ladybugs and lacewings. Neem oil acts as a natural insecticide. It can deter pests when you apply it to the leaves and stems. Regular inspection of your tree helps catch infestations early.

Common Diseases

Disease management starts with prevention. Pay attention to signs of common diseases. For example, bacterial canker. It causes gum to ooze from cracks in the bark. It may also cause shot hole disease. The leaves have holes after they turn brown and fall out.

Regularly cleaning your tools and 15 gallon tree pot to prevent such diseases. Ensure your apricot trees are well-spaced to facilitate air circulation. Only water at the base to avoid wetting the foliage.

Harvesting and Enjoying Your Apricots

Indications of Ripe Apricots

Ripe apricots have a softening of the flesh and a deepening of color. Gentle pressure should yield a slight give. The fragrance of the apricot is another telltale sign. A sweet, floral aroma will fill the air around your potted orchard.

Proper Harvesting Techniques

To harvest, cup the fruit in your hand and twist gently. It should come away from the tree with ease, the stem detaching smoothly. Take care not to pull or yank. This can cause damage to the delicate branches of your pot-grown tree and reduce future yields.

Culinary Tips and Recipes

Slice them atop a salad for a touch of sweetness. Blend them into a refreshing summer smoothie. Grill them to caramelize their natural sugars—perfect alongside a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Apricots can also be transformed into delectable jams, tart fillings, or savory sauces.


We have cover all you need to know about growing apricots in pots. The process is simple, the upkeep manageable. With a bit of guidance, even a novice can see success.

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