Top transferable skills which the HR must have in 2024

Learning transferable skills for HR leaders and teams is important in 2024. This blog will teach you or give you a brief on these skills. If you’re an HR, pay attention.
You might want to excel in certain skills with a clear purpose in mind. After all, transferable skills help you to remain deployable and employable, acting as a linchpin or a cog to spearhead multiple projects and people at once.
Top 6 Transferable Skills to Take Note of as HR Managers in 2024:
Level up your AI-readiness quotient or score. Do not get scared or fazed by the AI. The AI tools are not going to replace the human intelligence, at least for the next 40-50 years. Without human intervention, even the most advanced AI tools are going to become redundant and full of error or bias.
So, you have to learn to leverage AI tools like AI Suggest, HR Chatbots, etc. This will give you a competitive edge to know your duty well and your ability to deliver tasks on time.
Project management
Do not be afraid to take on new projects. The more projects you lead, the more efficient you will be to deal with escalations, flags, concerns, issues, and limited data. The HR software India can only help you to a certain range and limit based on the data fed to it.
After that, you have to build an analytical and critical mind to lead projects with empathy, vision, and oversight. When you lead difficult projects, even if you fail, at least you can build a case study based on your experience. This will be like a guide to the next batch of workforce who will want to take the lead on the project where you left off.
When you learn project management and carve a mindset of outputs and outcomes that matter, you can be a star player in any department of your choice. In fact, you will be one of the HR managers and professionals who would be difficult to replace.
People management
Excel in people management by becoming proficient in reading their moods, ticks, triggers, strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, etc. Know what kind of people you are working with. Learn to profile them one at a time. Read their behaviour, tone, and conversational language.
Get better at reading the psychology of your teammates and then collaborate with them as often as you can to clear and conclude projects.
Check who your star players are, who are behind, and who amongst the lot has scope for improvement. The 9-box grid, project and performance management dashboard help you give you this bit of information.
Other than that, you can read the employee sentiment analysis drawn from the Happiness Meter in the HRMS software.
It shows you how many employees in your team are happy and sad. Then, you can guide them further according to your knowledge and expertise. So, study about different styles of leadership and ways of giving feedback. This knowledge will help you to manage and motivate people in your team, irrespective of the department you work for in the future.
Team management
Managing your team is going to be one of the top transferable skills to learn. When you manage a team, you become a leader or an example to various people in the organisation. They copy your strategy and moves. They see you as someone who can make and bring a change in the organisation.
So, you will continuously have to sharpen your knowledge, be on your toes, and be ready to implement agile and astute talent management practices. Take assistance from the project and task management modules in the HRMS software.
These modules help you to reallocate projects to your team and delegate tasks efficiently. Plus, these modules are transparent. So, you won’t be micromanaging anyone in your team.
Rather, as an HR manager, you will have a 360-degree view of your team in terms of their designation, plan for the day, projects that are completed and pending, achievements unlocked, or the transition of each member in terms of promotions and salaries.
With this information about your staff, you will know how many of those jell well and how they complete a project on time. This makes you a better leader, and then you can be there for your team to resolve their concerns over the intranet at any time during business hours, even while travelling.
Change management
Create an agile, change-ready, and always curious workplace environment. We are living in a time when there could be a new wave of another tool or solution in a zap that could reimagine the way we do things or perceive the outcome of our strategies in the HR landscape.
So, one of the transferable skills to keep you employed and deployed even in this decade is project and promoting change management. You have to deliver the message to your team and the subordinates to be ready for a change in the way we work.
Today, you’re using a CV parser to shortlist candidates; tomorrow, there could be a better and more refined way to do that for better outputs. So, when you project and promote change management strategies and tactics, even those who work for you are always considered an asset to the team and the firm.
Digital literacy
Be digitally literate at all times. Today, every organisation is online. You will hardly find any organisation which does not have an online address or branding. Beyond that, every other growing and large organisation is using AI and EI-driven HRM tools to manage and monitor the workforce's performance and potential. You shall not be any different if you want to remain employable in the long run.
So, learn how to use and leverage multiple AI-enabled tools online to get faster, better, valuable, and actionable results out of the synchronised data and generative AI efforts.
The blog showcases six topmost and in-demand transferable skills. However, the list will go on as the workplace becomes more complex. So, start your journey today when you learn and evolve continuously with the presence and implementation of smarter HRMS tools that already have eLMS and LXP functionalities.