Learn How To Write Précis

Posted by Rose Bell
Jun 22, 2023

An Overview Of Precis Writing

Precis writing is the art of summarizing a given passage or text while preserving its essential ideas and main points. It requires condensing a longer piece of writing into a concise and coherent form. The goal of precis writing is to capture the essence of the original text in a shorter version without sacrificing its meaning or key elements.

Here is an overview of the process and key elements involved in precis writing:

Read and Understand: The first step is to carefully read and understand the original text. Identify the main ideas, arguments, and supporting details presented in the passage.

Identify the Thesis: Determine the central thesis or main argument of the text. This will help you focus on the core message that needs to be conveyed in your precis.

Outline the Precis: Create an outline or structure for your precis. Decide on the key points that need to be included and the logical order in which they should be presented.

Start Writing: Begin writing your precis, aiming to capture the essence of the original text. Use your own words and avoid directly quoting from the source material. Maintain the same tone and style as the original piece.

Be Concise: Focus on brevity and clarity. Eliminate unnecessary details, examples, and repetitions. Condense the information without losing the core meaning of the passage.

Maintain Coherence: Ensure that the precis maintains a logical flow and coherence. Connect ideas and paragraphs smoothly to create a coherent summary.

Revise and Edit: Review your precis for accuracy, clarity, and grammar. Make sure it accurately represents the original text and is free of errors. Everyone thinks writing a precis is a difficult task but you can easily write it with the professional support of Top Assignment Help in the United Kingdom.

Key Points To Remember:

·         Length: A precis is typically about one-third to one-fourth the length of the original text, depending on the specific guidelines provided.

·         Omission of Irrelevant Details: Exclude minor details, examples, anecdotes, and repetitions that are not crucial to the main argument or message of the original text.

·         Retention of Key Ideas: Retain the main ideas, supporting arguments, and relevant evidence presented in the original passage. These elements form the core of the precis.

·         Paraphrasing: Use your own words to express the ideas and concepts from the original text. Avoid directly copying or quoting from the source.

·         Objective Tone: Maintain an objective and neutral tone while writing the precis. Avoid personal opinions, biases, or interpretations.

·         Title: Provide a suitable title or heading for your precis, which reflects the central theme or purpose of the original text.

Precis writing requires careful reading, analysis, and the ability to condense information effectively. It is an important skill that enhances comprehension, critical thinking, and the ability to communicate ideas concisely.

Difference Between Summary And Precis

While both summary and precis involve condensing a longer text into a shorter form, there are some key differences between the two:

Length: A summary is typically shorter than a precis. It aims to provide a concise overview of the main points of a text in a few sentences or paragraphs. A precis, on the other hand, is slightly longer and more detailed, aiming to capture the essential ideas and arguments of a passage in a structured and coherent manner.

Level of Detail: A summary provides a broader overview of the text, focusing on the main ideas and omitting specific examples, supporting evidence, and details. It aims to give the reader a general understanding of the text's content. A precis, however, includes more specific details and supporting arguments while still maintaining brevity. It aims to convey the central arguments and main supporting points of the original text. For writing a good precis, you should take the Top Assignment Help in the UK online to avoid bad quality work.

Personal Interpretation: A summary is often written in the summarizer's own words and may include their interpretation or analysis of the text. It may also include personal opinions or insights. A precis, on the other hand, requires a more objective approach. It should present the ideas of the original text accurately without personal interpretation or commentary.

Structure and Format: A summary can be presented in various formats, such as bullet points, paragraphs, or a combination thereof. It may not follow a strict structure. A precis, however, typically follows a specific structure. It includes an introductory sentence or two that provides the main idea or thesis statement, followed by a concise summary of the main points in a logical and coherent order.

Purpose: Summaries are often used to quickly grasp the main ideas of a text, to provide a brief overview, or to aid in skimming through a large amount of information. Precis, on the other hand, are used to analyze and synthesize the main arguments and points of a text more thoroughly. They are often used in academic and formal writing to demonstrate comprehension and critical thinking skills.

In summary, while both summary and precis involve condensing a text, a summary is shorter, provides a broader overview, and may include personal interpretation, while a precis is slightly longer, includes more specific details, and requires a more objective approach.

Precis Writing Tips For Students

Precis writing is a challenging task and it is why is where many UK students should seek Online Assignment Help Top Writers to assist them in completing their tasks on time. Here are some helpful tips for students to improve their precis writing skills:

Read the Text Carefully: Before attempting to write a precis, make sure to read the original text carefully. Understand the main ideas, arguments, and supporting details presented in the passage.

Identify the Key Points: Identify the central thesis or main argument of the text. Determine the main ideas and supporting points that contribute to the overall message.

Focus on Conciseness: Precis writing requires condensing the original text, so aim for brevity. Eliminate unnecessary details, examples, anecdotes, and repetitions that do not contribute to the core message.

Use Your Own Words: Avoid directly quoting or copying sentences from the original text. Instead, rephrase and express the ideas in your own words. This demonstrates your understanding and ability to convey information effectively.

Maintain Coherence and Logical Flow: Ensure that your precis maintains a logical flow and coherence. Connect ideas and paragraphs smoothly, providing transitions where necessary. This helps readers follow your summary easily.

Omit Irrelevant Information: Exclude minor details or examples that are not crucial to the main argument or message of the original text. Focus on the key ideas and supporting points.

Do Not Include Personal Opinions: Precis writing should be objective. Avoid introducing your personal opinions, biases, or interpretations. Stick to summarizing the author's ideas accurately.

Proofread and Edit: After writing your precis, take the time to proofread and edit it. Check for any errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or clarity. Ensure that your precis is well-structured, coherent, and accurately represents the original text.

Practice Regularly: Precis writing is a skill that improves with practice. Set aside time to practice summarizing different texts regularly. You can choose articles, essays, or passages from various subjects to develop your precis writing skills.

Seek Feedback: If possible, seek feedback from teachers, peers, or mentors on your precis writing. They can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement.

Remember, precis writing is not just about shortening a text; it's about capturing the essence of the original while maintaining clarity and coherence. With practice and attention to detail, you can enhance your precis writing skills and effectively summarize complex texts. It is actually a time-consuming process that requires lot of attention and many other skills. If you still find it difficult to write a precis, take the reliable Online Assignment Help Top Writers assistance from us at Assignmenthelppro.com at a reasonable cost as per your needs.
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