How do I know if my Asiana airlines ticket is refundable?

Most travelers want to book tickets with this airline because it offers both refundable and non-refundable tickets at both international and domestic locations. However, if you are also booking the itinerary receipt and now you are looking to know have Asiana airlines refundable ticket or not. However, to get information about the ticket type, a few methods help you know about it. For that, you must consider the below article thoroughly.
Through manage booking, know about the ticket type
You can learn about the refundable ticket or not by going through the below steps that are:
- Go to the Asiana airlines web page,
- Look for the “manage my reservation” option, and click on it.
- There, you need to enter the booking reference number and last name.
- Tap on the “find my booking” section, and you will look for the full details of your reservation.
- Then, you will know whether your ticket is refundable or not easily.
By calling the customer service, know about the ticket type
For that, you should go to the official web page of Asiana airlines and go to the contact support page, there you need to seek the phone number and dial the Asiana airlines contact number, wait for converting the call in IVR commands. So, there you will get instructions that you must listen to properly.
Press 1 to choose the language of taking the assistance.
Press 2 to change and upgrade the flight
To know about the Asiana airlines ticket type is refundable or not, press 3
Press 4 to revoke the flight or request a refund
To get the information about the Lost and found item, press 6
Press 7 to get special assistance while boarding the flight
Press 9 to communicate with the customer's service person directly
After hearing out, you should press 3 to know about the flight type is refundable by call Asiana airlines. Speak to the customer service person, and share all the recommended details with the person.
Send an email to know about the ticket type
Also, you can directly get the information about whether the ticket is refundable or not by email. For that, you must go to the email box after making a reservation and check the email you received from Asiana airlines. There you will know about your ticket is refundable or not.
Check your message box
You must also find the Asiana airlines phone number on your message box after booking. Due to this, the airline will send your reservation confirmation to your linked phone number. So, if you want to know about it, you should view this message and see whether your ticket type is refundable or non-refundable.
Hence, by going through the above article, you will readily get the full information about the easy ways to know whether you have a refundable and non-refundable ticket. Further, while acknowledging about the ways of Asiana airlines refundable ticket, if you interact with any kind of issues and connect with the Asiana airlines customer service person quickly. For more, you may visit the official homepage of the airlines and take the reliable support from them.