The Best Menstrual Cup for Effortless, Leak-Free Periods
Menstrual cups are a great menstrual hygiene product that could take
away all your worries when it comes to your periods. When it comes to periods,
there are a myriad of problems that come with them, and one of them is dealing
with heavy flows that can really make things worse for you. Living with a heavy
flow is like adding insult to injury. With regular menstrual hygiene products
like pads and tampons, you need to change them every 3–4 hours. You are
constantly haunted by the thought of leaks for days and nights. But if you want
to make life less complicated during periods, then you need to look for the
best menstrual cup in India. They're anything but relaxing and making your life
Why is a menstrual cup good
for a heavy flow?
Here are some advantages that come with the best quality menstrual cup if you experience heavy flow.
Fewer leaks: As we all know, a menstrual cup creates a seal against the walls of the vagina; thus, it is unlikely to have leaks unless you have chosen the wrong size for yourself.
You feel the freedom: You can live life on your own terms without compromising your daily activities like going to the gym, swimming, playing, or pursuing your favourite hobby.
No waste: A menstrual cup collects more blood than pads and tampons. Moreover, you just need to empty the cup, wash it, and reuse it again, unlike pads and tampons that create a lot of menstrual waste.
The top menstrual cups that have no problem dealing
with heavy flows
Looking at the need to deal with the heavy flow during periods and providing maximum comfort to females we have picked some menstrual cups that can make your days comfortable for heavy flow.
1. Gynocup
Gynocup is one of the fastest emerging Indian menstrual cup brands that
has given excellent results when it comes to managing heavy flow. With its
varied sizes, capacity, firmness, excellent cup quality, 100% medical-grade
silicone material, and comfort, it has become one of the most in-demand
menstrual cup online and offline as well.
2. Ruby Cup
The Ruby Cup's width and great capacity can manage heavy flows easily.
All Ruby Cups are made from 100% medical-grade silicone of medium firmness,
making it easy to insert and remove. No more worries about heavy flows with a
ruby cup.
3. Lena Cup
The Lena Cup has longer heights compared to other cups, The Lena Cup
comes in two firmness types that make it comfortable for all types of users.
(the softer of the two). These cups also come as a great alternative to other
menstrual hygiene products with their excellent quality.
4. Pixie Cup
A budget-friendly option, Pixie Cup Classic comes in an extra-large
size, which is best to deal with your heavy flow, and is available in black.
One of the widest and longest cups, it easily manages your periods to give you
comfortable days.
You can easily buy these options of menstrual cups online, which will be
delivered to your doorstep without any hassle. So pick your favourite brand and
start your comfortable period journey.