How To Maintain Your Fencing For Longevity?

Posted by Chris D.
Mar 6, 2023
Fencing is an important part of your property. It is important to use quality materials to protect your property. But it is also important to maintain the fencing to ensure your property’s safety.

The fencing of your property is quite literally the first guard of protection against danger. The erected fences that guard your property help to keep your property secure. But in today’s market, there are plenty of options available in the market for your fencing. In Joondalup, one of the most common fencing choices that are widely available in today’s market is none other than Colorbond fencing. However, there are some specific steps of maintenance that you must adhere to when you have Colorbond fencing on your Joondalup property. Here’s what you can do to maintain your Colorbond fencing -

Use a Hose To Clean It:

It is critical to constantly hose down the fence to keep it in good shape. This generally removes the cobwebs that tend to accumulate on fencing, eventually causing the fence to lose some of its lustre. Of course, a good rainstorm is just as effective, and you won't have to worry about the water ruining the fence. If you live in a polluted area in Joondalup, using a hose to clean fencing is a must.

Avoid Fertilizers:

Avoid spraying the fence with garden sprays or fertilizers, since this might be harmful. Fertilisers frequently contain corrosive compounds, such as ammonium sulphate, which is toxic to metals. If your Colorbond gate or fence comes into contact with fertilisers by accident, you should wipe it off as soon as possible.

Ensure No Tree Or Heavy Objects Are Leaning Against It:

Installing a fence in your property in Joondalup is some of the first things that you do. Eventually, with time, as you start gardening, the grown trees can apply pressure on the fencing. This exerted pressure can affect the quality of your fencing. Under the constant weight of the leaning object, the Colorbond fencing in your Joondalup property start to disintegrate. To prevent this from happening, ensure no tree or heavy objects on your property are exerting pressure on your fencing.

Avoid Using Touch-Up Paint:

For minor scratches, it is advised to avoid touch-up paint on the Joondalup property’s fencing. The production method imparts colour and gloss retention features; as a result, the surface is known to weather differently from air-drying paint. Using a different quality of fencing can leave a botched appearance on the fence.

Prevent Pooling Of Rainwater:

Rainfall may also have a negative impact if it pools at the base of your fencing, compromising its integrity. The best approach to avoid rainfall collecting is to have proper drainage. You may need to undertake some landscaping to allow your fence to drain properly. Inspections of the ground around a fence should be done regularly to look for early signs of deterioration, which can be caused by excess water accumulating against fences.

These are some of the maintenance steps that you need to take to ensure your Colorbond fencing lasts a long time. In avoidance of such maintenance measures, your Colorbond fencing will soon start to suffer. Once critical structural damage starts to appear replacing your fencing in your Colorbond property is the only solution that’s remaining. 

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