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Buyer Vs Seller Market: What's The Difference?

Posted by Luke Skar
Feb 23, 2023
Buying or selling a home can be stressful, and the situation will be worse if the market isn't favorable. Sometimes the market will be better for buyers, and at other times sellers will have an advantage. But how do you know if you are dealing with a buyer's or a seller's market? We look at how you can tell which type of market you are dealing with, and more importantly, what you need to do to make the most of the situation. If you are trying to buy a home, but sellers have the upper hand, what can you do to beat the competition and get the home you want? When you are selling, but buyers are few and far between, how can you make your home more appealing? We provide some tips to help you buy or sell in different market conditions. We offer strategies to help you get the house you want when you're competing against other buyers, and ideas to find buyers when in difficult selling conditions.
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