Can I cancel Vueling within 24 hours?
- If
you have canceled your booking within 24 hours of purchasing the ticket,
then, in that case, the airline will not charge you the cancellation
- If
you have canceled your flight after 24 hours of purchasing the ticket,
then, in that case, the airline will charge you the cancellation fees.
- In
the worst-case scenario, if your flight gets canceled due to poor weather
conditions and technical issues, then the airline will refund you without
deducting cancellation fees.
- If
your family member dies due to medical conditions, you can deposit the
supportive document. After that, the airline authority will verify your
document and provide you with the flight fare without deducting the
cancellation charge.
You can also contact Vueling Airlines
via the toll-free number regarding the terms and conditions for the
cancellation of your flight. The representative will let you know about the information
related to the cancellation process. But you can follow the below mentioned
cancellation procedure.
through website:
- You can move to
the official portal of Vueling.
- Then
log in through your account.
- Move
to the manage booking tab, and tap on it.
- Enter
your booking details, and the list of flights will be displayed.
- Select
your flight and tap on the cancel button.
- At
last, you will receive the confirmation code message at your email address.
Cancellation via Vueling airlines phone
number, where the representative will cancel your particular flight ticket
according to your given booking details; after that, you can receive a
confirmation mail from the airline authority regarding the cancellation.
through Vueling app:
- You
can open the Vueling app on your phone.
- Then
at the app, tap on the manage booking tab.
- After
that, enter the booking number and surname.
- Now
the app screen will show you the flight list.
- Choose
the flight and click on the cancel tab.
The app based service is helpful if you
cannot contact Vueling Airlines through phone. It is
user-friendly, as you do not need extra guidance to run the app.
The above
method and policy will help you cancel Vueling within 24 hours. If you still have
doubts, go through this article again for further clarification.