Andreas Kalcker and the Chlorine Hype

Posted by Avinash Mittal
Jan 25, 2023

Andreas Ludwig Kalcker is a German based medical guru living in Switzerland. He claims to be able to cure cancer and other diseases by using a chemical known as chlorine dioxide. However, his claims have met with mixed reviews from the medical community. This is despite the fact that the chemical is common in the production of wood products. The hype surrounding CDS chlorine dioxide is largely fueled by a group of medical professionals and celebrities that have endorsed the use of the substance, in the hope that it will prove to be the saviour of their loved ones.

The best thing about the chemical is that it is a relatively inexpensive way to treat a variety of maladies Andreas Kalcker. The downside is that the chemical is not approved by any major pharmaceutical manufacturers in the US and the FDA has not found any proof of its efficacy. In fact, some countries in Latin America have banned the substance as a means of preventing outbreaks.

While the chemical is not exactly a new discovery, the hype around the substance has been building over the years. As a result, a flurry of websites and social media platforms have sprung up touting its benefits. These include the likes of COMUSAV, a gimmick laden pseudo church manned by a group of renegade physicians. Its burgeoning popularity has landed it in the limelight of several mainstream media outlets.

Although the miracle cure is touted by many in the medical community, none have come forth with a proof of its alleged efficacy. Still, it's not impossible to imagine a modern day charlatan taking advantage of the publicity to skirt closer to the law. A handful of shady organizations have begun to push the chemical as a cure for everything from cancer to AIDS.

The hype around the substance has spawned an entire industry of similar minded health buffs. Some have even gone as far as to create their own versions of the aforementioned COMUSAV. They enlist the aid of local celebrities to boost its popularity. Amongst the group is a man who claims to be a self-proclaimed medical guru with no criminal record in Spain. But the prosecutors are on the case.


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