Breast Augmentation Capsular Contracture Symptoms

Posted by Dr Rajat Gupta
Dec 23, 2022

Over time, breast augmentation surgery has become one of India's most well-liked and successful procedures. However, most women with implants may need to replace them at least once.

Capsular contracture is one of the most common issues with implants that may arise and require breast revision surgery. The patient receives breast implant revision surgery from a board-certified plastic surgeon. 

Capsular contracture symptoms can appear at any moment, although it's thought that up to 75% of instances happen within the first two years after augmentation surgery. 

The first sign of breast enlargement is often a gradual stiffness or toning of the breasts. If the symptoms are severe enough, the breasts may continue to hurt and look abnormal. 

Symptoms and Indications of Breast Augmentation Surgery Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture can develop in one or both breasts at any time, usually in the weeks that follow breast implant surgery but occasionally years later.

The slow-developing signs of this illness can include:

  • The breast tightening up more is the main sign of capsular contracture.

  • Compared to before, breast implants appear to be riding up higher on the chest.

  • The breast implant is deformed and could seem "ball-like" or spherical.

  • There could be noticeable rippling as well.

  • The breast implant is less noticeable and stays put

  • Breast discomfort or soreness, especially when the tightness gets worse

Early Signs and Symptoms Mentioned by Plastic Surgeon in Delhi

Based on some estimates, only 5% of women who undergo breast implants eventually develop capsular contracture. It is impossible to predict which patients may have this illness and when.

The first signs of capsular contracture appear within the first two days following surgery in about 75% of cases.

There may be implant rupture in cases when capsular contracture has formed after several years of breast augmentation procedure.

 The severity of capsular contracture is assessed in four grades:

Grade 1: Breasts are supple and appear natural.

Grade 2: Breasts appear normal while being slightly firm.

Grade 3: Breasts are firm and appear slightly odd.

Grade 4: Breasts hurt, are hard, and appear distorted.

However, with today's very cohesive silicone gel implants, implant rupture is not a problem. You may reduce the potential of early implant failure in the care of a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon in Delhi

Loss of Breast's Natural Softness

The breasts will often feel natural and soft when the breast augmentation surgery recovery is over. As the months and years pass, the patient will notice a small hardness in her breasts. But the organic suppleness will endure.

Frequently, if a woman notices that her breast does not seem naturally soft and feels rigid to the touch, capsular contracture may be the cause.

One or both breasts changing from a soft breast in a young posture to one steadily getting rounder, stiffer, and riding high up the chest is an obvious indicator of capsular contracture. If the illness goes untreated for a while, the patient could also feel pain.

Note: You are in good hands as long as you have a surgeon like Dr Rajat Gupta, who follows the breast augmentation guidelines associated with breast augmentation. He is considered as the best plastic surgeon in Gurgaon. You should recuperate without contractures from your breast augmentation without a hitch!


Dr Rajat Gupta 

Phone: +91-9251711711

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Location: 56, Block BN, Poorbi Shalimar Bag, Shalimar Bagh

Delhi, 110088

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