Want to Save Money? Learn to do These 10 Auto Repairs Yourself

Auto repairs and maintenance can get expensive, so before you head to a mechanic, it’s a good idea to consider whether you can handle the work yourself. While you probably won’t be able to handle every fix on your own, quite a few are easy enough to take care of without taking your car to the repair shop.
The first thing to figure out is what repairs you can do yourself, versus which ones a mechanic should address. You might be pleasantly surprised to learn that many problems can be fixed in your own garage as many repairs don’t really require specialized tools. Here is a list of ten auto repairs you can fix without a mechanic’s help:
Head & Tail Light Bulb Replacement
Replacing a busted head or tail light as soon as you can is essential since it’s an issue that could get you a ticket. The thing about this issue is that most bulbs are easy to replace, and the repair typically doesn’t require more than a couple of tools that should be around the house. Just check your repair manual for details and make sure to buy the correct bulb.
Blown Fuse Replacement
Most vehicles have groups of fuses, and if any of them blow, you’re going to run into trouble. Often blown fuses are responsible when an electrical device, such as a radio or interior light, stops working. The good news is that you can locate and replace a blown fuse yourself for just a few bucks.
In most vehicles, fuses are grouped into a couple of panels. This makes it easier to troubleshoot the problem. Familiarizing yourself with your vehicle's fuse panels is well worth the savings.
Battery Installation
Once your battery starts to go, you’ll want to install a new one quickly so you don’t end up stranded. Installing a new battery is relatively simple. You’ll need to remove the cables and the old battery, and then secure the new one. As long as you reattach the battery cables in the correct order, your new battery will be ready to go in no time, and you’ll save a lot of money.
New Lift Support Installation
You probably don’t give your lift supports much thought until they stop working. For example, loading up your groceries is hard when your back hatch doesn’t stay open. Installing new lift supports is cheaper to do on your own. With some basic tools, you can install new lift supports in minutes without heading to an auto shop.
Brake Pad Replacement
Changing out your brake pads sounds like a big project, but with a little time and know-how it becomes a simple task. One indication they need to be changed is they will start to make noise when engaged. Driving around with worn-out brake pads is not only dangerous but it also causes significant damage to your rotors.
Replacing brake pads is easier than you may expect. Once your tires are removed, you slide the old brake pad out and put a new one in. While it is more work than other repairs, you’ll save a lot of money doing this work yourself.
Changing Your Engine Coolant
If your check engine light is on, there’s a good chance your coolant needs to be changed. Changing out coolant is as simple as draining the fluid and pouring in new coolant. It’s something you need to do every 30,000 to 50,000 miles, and you can do it right at home.
Air Filter Replacement
There are two air filters in your vehicle that you can easily replace on your own: the engine air filter and the cabin air filter. Your engine’s air filter prevents dirty air from getting in and causing trouble. A dirty engine is one that can easily overheat. Once you locate your engine air filter, you simply remove it and pop in a new one.
A dirty cabin filter makes it easier for dust and debris to accumulate in your vehicle. Often replacing your cabin air filter is even easier than replacing your engine filter. Your vehicle’s manual will tell you where the filter is located and how you can replace it. Your wallet will thank you.
Changing A Flat Tire
We’ve all been stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire at some point, but calling for help is not cheap. Learning how to change a flat tire yourself can end up saving you hundreds of dollars, and it’s not as challenging as you may expect. Once you jack your car up, replacing the tire isn’t difficult as long as you have the right tools on hand.
Windshield Wiper Replacement
Even if you know next to nothing about cars, you can figure out how to replace your windshield wipers. Windshield wiper replacement is one of the most straightforward DIY auto repairs out there. There are many windshield wiper styles, but nearly all have a pin or hook-and-slide design that makes replacement a breeze.
Flushing The Radiator
While flushing your radiator may seem advanced, it is something you can do at home. First things first, make sure your engine is cool before you start. Once the radiator is cool, get underneath your vehicle, find the radiator’s drain, and then use a pan to catch the fluid that comes out. There are specialized products you can use to flush out your radiator.
While you’re down there, you can also search for any leaks that need to be addressed. Fixing a leaking radiator is also something you can do yourself to save money.
There you have it- some easy DIY repairs you can perform at home or on the road that will save you time, money, and frustration.