Inspiring Fall Themes for Events We're Obsessing Over

Fall Party Ideas For Kids
Okay disclaimer, these fall party ideas aren't just for kids but these are the most kid-friendly out of the bunch! There are also a number of ideas under other fall party ideas that would totally work with the right theme.
Caramel Apple Party
Kind of like an ice cream sundae party, have friends come over to make and top their own caramel apples to enjoy. You can provide the toppings or have friends bring their favorite to share. Get more ideas for caramel apple toppings here!

And since people don't typically like to eat their caramel apples right away, setup a caramel apple nacho bar for people to enjoy their favorite caramel apple toppings during the party!
Another fun idea is to do a caramel apple walk where people win gourmet caramel apples (or other apple themed prizes like these caramel apple soaps!
Pumpkin Carving/Decorating Party
Send your friends and family pumpkin carving party invitations, setup a pumpkin photo booth, and have everyone bring their own pumpkin to decorate/carve together. Make sure to put down plastic or newspaper because this one can get really messy.
Fall Party Ideas For Adults
Just like the fall party ideas for kids above – these fall party ideas would work for kids as well, but they're geared more toward adults and having fun with your adult friends on a night off!
Iron Chef Party With Secret Ingredient: Pumpkin
There are two ways you can do this. One is have everyone make their best pumpkin dish at home and bring it to share. Judge based on taste, creativity, and presentation (people can get super creative with this!). Choose three unbiased judges to pick the best dish.
Fun And Loud Laughter (F.A.L.L) Game Night
Invite friends over for a night of games and laughing. Stick with the fall theme by doing any of these adult party games using only words that have to do with “fall.” Or you can skip the fall theme and go with any of these board games for adults too!
Fall Into Friends Party
Invite over either friends who you want to get to know better or friends from different circles that don't know each other well. Play getting to know you games or these group games and increase your circle of friends.

The leaves may be turning and the sun is setting a little earlier every day, but that just means now it's time for fall party ideas and other welcome autumn holiday celebrations. From pumpkin spice to pumpkin carving, fall has so much to offer—and if you need an excuse to invite family and friends over, we've got it.
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