How to Get the Highest Efficiency from Your Heating System

Posted by Sierra Powell
Sep 22, 2022

You may have heard that the heating system is the most important part of your home. This fact can't be denied, especially when winter comes around. To stay warm and comfortable, you must have a functioning heating system.

The problem with most people is that they don't know how to get the most out of their heating system to run efficiently. There are many ways to improve the quality of your home's heating system, continue reading to learn more.

Common Types of Heating Systems

The most common heating systems are forced air, radiant and hydronic.

Forced air heating is the most common type because it's effective and efficient. It works by blowing heated air into your home through vents in the floor or ceiling. This type of heating is most appropriate for homes with a forced-air furnace.

Radiant heat systems use hot water or radiators to heat spaces directly rather than blowing hot air around the house. Radiators are commonly found in older homes, especially in Europe.

Hydronic heat systems use hot water or steam to heat a room through pipes in the floor or walls. Hydronic heat systems are usually found in newer homes because they're more energy efficient and cost less than other heating systems.

How to Get the Highest Efficiency from the Heating System

Below are some of the basic ways to ensure the high efficiency of a heating system:

Set a Schedule for Your Heating

Your heating system works harder when it's on for longer periods, so try setting a schedule for when you use it. For example, keep the thermostat at 55°F while you're away during the day and turn it down at night. Suppose you want to keep warm while sleeping; set it to 65°F while you sleep and turn it back down when you wake up. Lowering your temperature will cause your heater to run less frequently, which saves energy.

Lower the Temperature

If you're staying warm enough at 55°F instead of 65°F, then lower it even further! You might find that 60°F is comfortable enough for most of your activities around the house and that only occasionally does anyone need to bump up the temperature a bit more. Lowering the temperature saves energy because it doesn't require as much work from your furnace or heat pump.

Check Your System's Efficiency Rating

Your heating system's efficiency rating tells you how well it works with comparable systems in its class. To get this rating, the manufacturer tests the unit using standardized procedures set by the federal government and publishes the results on their website or in an owner's manual. You can look up these ratings on Energy Star's website by entering your model or serial number in their search engine.

Take Advantage of Other Heat Sources

Your heating system should be designed for a specific purpose. If you have an older home, it may not be able to provide adequate heat for all seasons. In this case, you may consider installing a wood-burning fireplace insert or wood stove in your home. These heaters are much more efficient than a conventional fireplace because they use less fuel and produce less carbon dioxide emissions. They can also add aesthetic value and make your home feel cozier during cold weather.


Insulating the space between your home's outer and inner walls will help keep out drafts that prevent warm air from circulating throughout your home — especially important in regions with cold winters. Insulation can also help keep out pests such as mice or rats that might otherwise find food sources or shelter around your home's exterior walls or attic space.

Change The Filter

The filter in your furnace or boiler is like the engine oil in a car — it helps keep dust and dirt from clogging up the system, which saves energy and extends its life. It will tell you when it needs changing by making strange noises or shutting off unexpectedly. Changing the filter once every three months or so will help keep it running smoothly for longer.

Shut Your Chimney Damper

You first need to make sure that you have a chimney damper installed on your chimney. This will help keep outside air out of your home and moisture from entering the chimney. A good rule of thumb is if you can't see the light coming through the bottom of the damper, then it should be closed.

The Benefit of Having a Well-Functioning Heating System

A well-functioning heating system can save money, increase comfort, and enhance your home's value. Here are some of the advantages:

1. Cost Savings

A well-functioning heating system will help you save money. Make sure you schedule a regular maintenance check and furnace service to help you avoid costly repairs in the future.  When issues are caught early it can save you money in the long run since you will likely not have to replace or repair your furnace as often if it is maintained properly.  And with newer furnaces, increased energy efficiency translates into decreased costs to operate your furnace. You'll also save money on gas or electricity bills by using your home's heater less often.

2. Increased Comfort

Simply put, a well-functioning heating system creates a more pleasant indoor climate and a more comfortable living space. A properly tuned furnace will provide consistent temperatures throughout your home and prevent the temperature from fluctuating too much, adding to a more comfortable experience for those who live there.

3. Quiet Noise Level

A well-functioning heating system runs quietly, so it does not disturb you or anyone else inside the space when it's running. This is especially important if there are children in the house as they can be easily disturbed by loud noises coming from their rooms during nap time or bedtime hours when they're trying to fall asleep at night after being active all day long with their friends at school or with their parents during their free time.

4. Positive Environmental Impact

The main reason people install a new heating system is that it improves their comfort, but there are also environmental benefits. For example, if you install a high-efficiency furnace or boiler that uses less fuel than the old one, you can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 50%. This is because such equipment will not produce as much pollution and greenhouse gases as older models.

In conclusion, there are several ways to get the most efficiency from your heating system. The best way to do this is by ensuring that your system is maintained regularly and cleaned regularly. This will help ensure that there are no leaks or other issues that could cause problems with your system.

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