Make money online: Sell your product, get that job.

Posted by Crystal E.
Aug 19, 2022
Fix your resume and get that job. 

The greatest obstacle to getting that job is your resume. 
While it’s okay to have a simple or crappy resume for applying for a job in your native country. 
Employers in the US are seeking competent workers. 
And you have competition from the brightest around the world. 
Before we get into the rest of the article . 
Be sure to fix your resume. 
I know you hate writing cover letters but most companies require some detail writing about yourself just to test your mindset and some might also ask for video introduction. 

Be consistent with your home business. 

The key to making money online is consistency.

If you think that you are gonna make as much money as you like the first week.

Then that will not happen. 

Your advantage will always be sticking to your  goals even when you don’t have a paycheck. 

First you have to work towards a goal. 

My first gig as a recruiter I made 2.5 million Jamaican dollars,

At first, like the first two days. 

Things seem bleak, 

I wasn’t making any money and then I made $100 USD in three days, 

The next week I made $625 USD. 

My income climbed. 

I found myself making $10,000 USD in a week at one point. 

At the beginning, there was no money .

I worked for free. 

I did task and projects. 

I’ve even hired people to work with no knowledge of how we are getting paid on the premise that we are working towards a goal and not a paycheck.

It really helps to have people with similar mindset on the same team. 

Consistency and working towards a goal are the key dynamics to making it online.

Next integral factor is having an in demand digital product and service that you can sell for pennies on the dollar to a host of people. 

Might sound like a fail strategy. 

But 0.99 has kept a lot of online businesses in service. 

Many billionaires are rich because they offer tens and thousands of persons access to an application, service, platform or Software as a service for five dollars or less than a dollar. 

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