How Jamaican Blogger created a business out of the internet.

While one of my business consultant partner prepped me for press releases online for my PR Growth and to get my prospective clients to know about our companies and products.
I was introduced to a book, written by Curtis Jackson, more popularly know as rapper 50 Cent.
“Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter”
When I read the book, I saw myself in his words.
I’ve learned a long time ago that the world doesn’t owe me anything, it took me a long time to understand that I don’t owe the world anything. I owe it to myself.
I am from a Gangsta’s paradise.
A place where most of my male peers migrated to seek a better life or died before they reach thirty.
Some would think this violence exempts me because I am a female.
The truth is, women die too, when gangs and warring factions execute their rampages, they hurt girlfriends, sisters, mothers and children.
In these petty wars, there is no discrimination.
No one is safe.
The streets will create a tough person.
Education will empower a tough person. It’s a winner’s formula.
Back in 2016 I couldn’t buy diapers for my baby.
Many people don’t know this.
I was thrown out of the rent house I lived in.
I was broke and bankrupt after I over invested in a pyramid scheme that turned out to be a nightmare for me.
I was outside recruiting people to be apart of this business.
I sold it well.
I am skillfully persuasive.
By 2017, i was paying back monies to people I had introduced to the scheme and I was insulted, disrespected and denigrated by my then best friend.
In the midst of that, I was learning.
I don’t have a best friend today.
I have discovered that I grow so much solitude.
I do better when I am by myself.
In 2018 I got pregnant again.
It added to my struggles.
The world turned its back on me.
I was ostracized by members of my family and community.
You would think I had committed a crime.
The way the world was down on me for having another baby in my crisis situation.
It wasn’t just the business scheme that had left me in dire straights.
The man I was with, took a lot from me and gave nothing back.
He didn’t t even take care of his children.
I gave more that I got from my relationships.
But I was learning. I was happy that I understood the mistakes I made. But the lessons don’t come until after the mistake.
This is the story of every single mother that had ever made it far in life. You live and you learn.
I’ve had days when I couldn’t buy diapers and I had to make my baby sleep on a towel.
She didn’t pee that night. I believe that was the work of God.
For when you are honest, when karma knows your true heart.
Everything works out for you in the end.
A few weeks before I had my baby in 2018.
I landed a job with a e commerce solution company online.
My first week.
I made 1500 USD dollars.
Second week. I made $700 dollars.
The day I had my baby.
When I came out of surgery.
The company credited a little over a million Jamaican dollars to my back account.
I was a senior sales agent on their merchant accounts.
My bank statements can back me up.
I made five million Jamaican dollars the following year.
That was about 40,000 USD dollars.
I made it from working online.
Therein was my come back.
I had struggles in between.
I have been scammed by PR people trying to get my name out there to build my profile and drive traffic to my books.
I’ve been scammed by persons in the book industry.
Life is funny.
When I started publishing a year ago.
I decided that I would start printing books.
I found out it was not one of my strong points.
And I was also accused of scamming people when two clients didn’t get their books done.
I eventually had to outsource locally and now internationally the printing of the books.
In those cases I lost more money than I was paid to print those books.
I had to do that because my reputation was at stake.
Albeit, a few persons tried to smear my name online.
I thought, I would lose everything over a few measly dollars.
Not only that, I haven’t published a copy of my own novels for over seven months because I was focused on building my business empire and printing books for new authors.
I learnt a few lessons there.
I won’t be good at everything.
I will make mistakes that will cost me more.
The higher the monkey climbs, the more he is exposed.
When people think you have something to lose, they will use it as a bargaining tool to get what they want from you.
50 Cent said in his book that not every deal or business he took.
I am learning to walk away from some offers.
Another thing …
People will love you until you can’t live up to their expectations. It will change their opinion of you.
None of it matters if you know what you want, who you are and what you are working on.
I’ve learned that once I am betting on myself, I am so confident in my abilities that I know I will win.
It’s a with or without them kind of vibe.
You don’t have to understand why I do what I do, because I am so secure in myself that I know as long as I am betting on myself. I am going to win.
That’s the thing about winners, we might fail
Or fall out but whole time we learning and adjusting through all that suffering.
We are taking notes.
I’ve developed and launched ten apps that can help you grow your website and blog business.
Thank god for websites like GitHub that makes it pretty easy to develop applications without core programming and coding knowledge.
I have launched my application business and have made $3000 USD selling applications for peanuts.
It took me a year to get things up and running.
I did this using tools I found online.
I say this for you to understand.
We are living in a time where everything we need to succeed in any niche is available online.
There is no greater time than now to be alive.
We don’t have to build anything from scratch.
We don’t have to travel to achieve.
Everything we need is time and a keystroke or type pad away.