Benefits of choosing Laravel Framework for Web App Development

● Resource Controller Routes
● These are controllers that expose the most common actions that you might want to take against a resource, which typically corresponds to a database table.
● These controllers have corresponding routes that match these common actions.
● Those common actions are in programmer parlance typically called crud or bread. The ability to index or browse the record, Create or add a single record, read a single record, Update or edit a single record and finally to delete a single record.
● Homestead
● The laravel provides a homestead.
● Homestead is going to require the installation of some software that we can find on the web.
● Homestead requires the installation of a vagrant, which can be found at
● Vagrant, which is free and available for any platform, gives us the ability to install virtual environments for our development users.
● This is Laravel's tool to provide us a common development platform, not worrying about having different PHP versions or ensuring that you have some piece of specific database software installed.
● Homestead doesn’t enable us to deploy our application to the web, but it does make it easy for us to develop our applications locally before deployment.
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● Simple Authentication
● Laravel ships with a pre-built authentication system that we can use right away.
● We’ll start our homestead and our vagrant project, first with running vagrant up and then directory where our project lives.
● After our vagrant box is booted, we can run the command vagrant ssh to log into the vagrant box.
● And now we’ll want to change into the code directory where our code for our laravel project actually lives.
● We’re now at the root of our project.
● Laravel ships with the command line interface.
● Routing
● Routing is the core part of any Laravel application.
● Route model binding is the ability for us to further specify a route parameter.
● Middleware is a catch all tool in laravel and most PHP applications and frameworks, where we can build logic independent of our core laravel application that processes requests and responses.
● This middleware enables us to make determinations on each of those requests and responses and then to perform actions.
● Swift Mailer to Symphony Trailer
● In laravel 9 is the transition from swift mailer to symphony trailer.
● Well swift mailer is no longer maintained as of december 2021.
● Laravel has been relying on it for all its mail sending capabilities.
● Mainly you will need to replace some of your application dependencies to be able to send mail.
● Also some of the methods have been renamed, most of these methods are low level methods.
● Which used to interact with symfony mailer and previously swift mailer.
● Artisan cli
● It’s better to use psr-2 and psr-4 coding standards.
● Laravel has its own Artisan cli or command line interface that uses the much accepted symfony console component as the base.
● Web development is far easier on the platform.
● If you are looking for an efficient web development process.
● Artisan cli is the best choice. Since, It will affect the entire process positively using the plug-ins.
● If you are using plug-ins in a large number for the laravel web Development.
● Eliminate each one that is no longer needed for the process; the plug-ins can be disabled when those are not required.
● Collision
● Back in April, Laravel 8.37 came with anonymous migration support.
● Which solves an issue when migration classes name collision.
● The problem happens when many migrations have the same class name. Then You try to migrate the database from scratch.
● The solution was to use anonymous classes instead of named classes.
● In Laravel 9 the migration stops now using anonymous classes by default.
● When you run php and make migration the class created will be an anonymous class.
● Now you can create migrations without worrying about collisions with older migrations with the same name.
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● It's quick and simple.
● Security is key.
● Better website performance.
● Great for Traffic-Handling.
● Really Flexible.
● Easy third-party integrations.
● Simple Website Maintenance.
● The cost of a Laravel Site.
● Laravel is a brilliant choice for both developers and companies worldwide.
● Development costs are further reduced as the time to build and maintain is less than some competing frameworks, allowing a Laravel project to be more cost effective in the long run.
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