How Can You Determine Whether Your Home Is Under A Serious Termite Problem?

Posted by Bob P.
Mar 14, 2022
Spotting a termite infestation is rather a difficult task since the termites leave behind just a few outward signs after setting up in a wooden thing. By the time the termite-created damage begins to be noticed, you will be heartbroken to know that the termites were present for some years. Nevertheless, detecting the infestation rather late is is much better than not looking at it at all. How should you understand the seriousness of the termite infestation?

termite damage

Look at these visual points as mentioned here to be sure that you have to hire professional termite pest control services from the renowned agency in North Shore.

1. Swollen Ceilings and Floors, Buckling Wood

Often, severe termite damage resembles water damage. Hence, when this damage type come to your notice, and you are unable to trace the root to the burst pipe or else a leaking pipe, then at all odds, it has been caused due to termite infestation. Nevertheless, termites will be present in the obvious excessive moisture source. Certain termite species simply dote on the wood of higher humidity.

2. Mold and Mildew Scent

The persistent smell of mould and mildew, that is not being eradicated, or else locating the source is tough, then for sure, there is termite infestation. The termites and their activity are responsible for the smell. Termites satisfy themselves by raising their working areas’ moisture levels.

3. Cracked Furniture

Drywood termites possess an extreme functional ability to infest walls and floors, along with wood furniture. Once these termite species have been set up inside furniture, they will cause extensive damage, causing the furniture to start cracking. Drywood termite infestations are likely to spread throughout the home, and once they have done this, you will have to fumigate your home to completely remove all the colonies present in the building. The pest control experts have to be hired.

4. Termite Swarms

When they are looking out for new nesting locations, then the termites swarm. As the termite colony has reached its maturity, it will start spawning winged. Known as swarmers, the reproductive termites will vacate the colony and start flying around the area. Now, if the colony is in your home, the swarm will be spawning indoors, when you will notice insects resembling flying ants. Even you shall spot the piles of wings indoors after the termites' swarm.

5. Mud Tunnels

The subterranean termites are masters at creating mud tubes from the grounds for linking their nests to the food sources. They might always not be infestation indicative, but these small and pencil-sized tubes are the signs that the infestation is present. Termites have the ability to build up many types of mud tunnels. Once you have seen them, call the termite inspection services for a thorough inspection at your home.

All the signs discussed here should not be ignored. Once you have come across the mud tubes, termite swarms, water damage signs, and scent of mould and mildew along with the cracked furniture, then it is time to pay them heed and call the termite pest control services right away. Take quick steps before matters turn worse. The professionals have the needed tools and expertise to handle termite eradication safely.
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