Benefits of Hemp Hearts, Nutrition & Use

Posted by Vinit Kumar
Mar 10, 2022
Hemp hearts are hulled or unshelled hemp seeds that are derived from the cannabis Sativa plant. Along with a good taste, hemp seed oil or hemp hearts are rich in nutrition and offer umpteen benefits.

The fine taste makes it easier for people to accommodate these hearts into their daily diet. You can add hemp hearts in smoothies, yogurt, salads & more.

Top 5 Benefits of Hemp Hearts are:

  1. Rich Source of Protein & Several Other Nutrients.
  2. Hemp Hearts Support Good Bone Health.
  3. Reduces the Risk of Heart Troubles.
  4. Hemp Hearts helps Body Convert Food to Energy.
  5. Improves Hair and Skin.

Nutrition Benefits of Hemp Seeds:

  • Protein Power: Hemp seeds are valued for being complete protein, containing all 21 amino acids, including all 9 essential amino acids. It’s important to consume essential amino acids through food as our bodies cannot produce them naturally.

  • Essential Fatty Acids: Hemp seeds contain an ideal amount of omega-6 and omega-3 essential fatty acids. These fatty acids cannot be synthesized by the body but are required to support a wide range of cellular processes in the body, including the proper function of the heart and brain.

  • Full of Nutrients: Hemp seeds are also an excellent source of Vitamin E, zinc, iron, and magnesium. Vitamin E and zinc are potent antioxidants that protect cells against the damaging effect of free radicals. Iron helps deliver oxygen-rich red blood cells throughout the body and magnesium plays a role in hundreds of chemical reactions in the body.

Read more about the benefits of hemp hearts.
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