7 Things You Need To Know Before Hiring An SEO Writer
Content marketing is important for your business, but did you know that
having high-quality content is only half the battle when it comes to ranking in
The other half is knowing where to place that content. If you want to rank
in search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo!, etc., you need to have the right
keywords in your title tags, meta descriptions, and URL links.
You may be asking yourself “How do I write an SEO Title Tag?” and “What’s a
Meta Description?”
Well, here are 7 things you need to know before hiring an SEO writer:
1. It’s not just about keywords
You need to make sure that your website contains relevant information about your products and services. This means that your company name needs to be included in all of your text on your site. Your domain name should also be incorporated into titles and URLs. If you don’t include your brand name, then you won’t be able to appear in searches related to your product category.
example, say you sell cell phones. If you don‘t mention your company name
anywhere on your site, then no matter what keyword you use, you won’t show up
in any search results.
2. Write for human beings
Your audience isn’t searching with their computer mouse. They’re looking for
something specific, so they’ve likely already done some research online. Make
sure that your content is written to help them solve a problem, answer a
question, or satisfy a desire. Don’t just tell people what your products or
services are; explain why they’re beneficial to them.
3. Include images and videos
People love visuals. According to HubSpot, over 94 percent of consumers
trust visual content more than anything else. That being said, Google doesn’t like
websites without images, so make sure to include photos whenever possible.
Videos work too. People tend to spend more time watching these types of video
clips than reading long articles.
4. Use bullet points and numbers
People scan web pages to get answers quickly, so it’s best to keep your
paragraphs short and concise. Also, because most people scan left to right,
it’s easier to read items in order of importance. Bullet points and numbered
lists work well for this purpose. Additionally, using bullet points and numbers is one of the smart SEO tips to appear in feature snippets.
5. Keep it simple
When writing content, keep it simple. While you should provide useful
information, there’s a fine line between helpful and boring. Be careful not to
overwhelm readers with complicated language or ideas that aren’t necessary. A
good rule of thumb is to avoid using jargon, acronyms, and overly complex
6. Include a call to action buttons
If someone lands on your page from a search engine, it would be nice if they
could click a button that takes them somewhere else. Make sure to include clear
calls to action in every section of your content. These can be buttons like
“Learn More,” “Order Now,” or “Contact Us.”
7. Get feedback
It’s easy to become attached to your own work, especially when it’s going
well. However, it’s always better to get outside feedback first. Ask relatives
and friends to give you honest opinions on your content. Or, ask a professional
editor at a local magazine to review your copy.
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