5 Tips to Win the Match in PUBG Mobile

Posted by Shruti Kumari
Jan 10, 2022
Pubg mobile is one of the most played games with millions of players around the world. 

If you are one of them and are willing to improve your skills then this post is for you. 

One of the ways to improve your battle game is to use a pubg trigger that will improve your aiming in the game.

In this post, we will discuss the best tips to win the battle match. 

These tips are collected from the best professional PUBG players. As these players are playing this game for a long time, their tips can be helpful to any new gamer.

1. Selective Looting

Grabbing the best things in Pubg is really important and you should always pick items when there is no enemy. 

But you should be more selective while picking items. You should always keep moving while collecting things.

If you collect things while standing still, you may be attacked by your enemies.

2. Ammo collection

You must collect much ammo as possible but only at the starting of the game. 

After some time in the game, it would be difficult to manage your ammo, so you need to drop some ammo for making space in the bag.

When you drop ammo you should mark it for your teammates to pick it up. 

Also, you should always keep your guns fully loaded; it will save your time in the battle.

3. Sharing your items

You should always share your items with your team members. 

This will make you and your team stronger. It is not wise to collect items and not use them, so you should always share your looted items with your teammates and make them stronger.

4. Quality headphones

Pubg mobile has very high-quality audio such that every small movement in the game is audible to the players. 

So you must stay alert and be quiet and careful every time.

When you use quality headphones, you will be able to hear every footstep coming towards you and will also be able to hear any gunshots fired near your location. 

These sounds are enough to be alert and active in the game.

5. Voice chats

To win the Pubg battle game it is very important that you have good communication with your teammates. 

Using voice chats you can chat with your team and share your plans. But remember to sit in a quiet environment as the background noise can distract other players.


These are some of the helpful tips that will help you in winning the battle game every time.

If you play pubg mobile for long hours then you must have noticed your mobile getting a heat, to avoid this heat you must use a phone cooler for gaming that will maintain the phone's temperature.

You should remember that practicing and learning from mistakes are the important parts of becoming invincible in the game.

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