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Есть ли у вас свободные деньги? Инвестируйте в Violet-Business Classifieds.
We decided to share our business with you!!! We invite you to purchase the right to purchase one option » Number of active options 1000 000 000
Features of profit distribution? » Fifty percent of all profits of the Service after paying taxes will be distributed proportionally among option holders. » You can purchase the right to purchase an option in the "Groups" section of your Personal Account. For those who purchase the right to purchase an option next year, the distribution of profits is shifted accordingly by one year!
For purchasers of the right to purchase more than 1000 options, payment in cash or to a bank account, details by Email:
We plan to open a fund to distribute profits to option holders, presumably by June 30, 2030 » Special conditions of the fund: Option holders will have the opportunity to transfer the rights to distribute income: To children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, by one written request to the fund administration!
After acquiring the right to purchase an option, you must send a letter with a copy of the payment receipt or its screenshot, indicate the details of the Last Name, First Name, Patronymic Tel: to the address Email: In the subject line, indicate "Investments (RBI)"
Invitation link:
Invitation link: Инвестирование, основанное на доходе (RBI) - Violet - Доска объявлений
For global investors: Investment on the land (RBI) Balance investment from 1 to 10 million dollars!
Invitation link:
Respectfully to Your Business!!!
Есть ли у вас свободные деньги? Инвестируйте в Violet-Business Classifieds.
We decided to share our business with you!!! We invite you to purchase the right to purchase one option » Number of active options 1000 000 000
Features of profit distribution? » Fifty percent of all profits of the Service after paying taxes will be distributed proportionally among option holders. » You can purchase the right to purchase an option in the "Groups" section of your Personal Account. For those who purchase the right to purchase an option next year, the distribution of profits is shifted accordingly by one year!
For purchasers of the right to purchase more than 1000 options, payment in cash or to a bank account, details by Email:
We plan to open a fund to distribute profits to option holders, presumably by June 30, 2030 » Special conditions of the fund: Option holders will have the opportunity to transfer the rights to distribute income: To children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, by one written request to the fund administration!
After acquiring the right to purchase an option, you must send a letter with a copy of the payment receipt or its screenshot, indicate the details of the Last Name, First Name, Patronymic Tel: to the address Email: In the subject line, indicate "Investments (RBI)"
Invitation link:
Invitation link: Инвестирование, основанное на доходе (RBI) - Violet - Доска объявлений
For global investors: Investment on the land (RBI) Balance investment from 1 to 10 million dollars!
Invitation link:
Respectfully to Your Business!!!
Mar 2025