8 Reasons You Got A Flat Tyre In Your Vehicle

If you are a daily driver, once in a lifetime you may experience a flat tyre. This can happen to anyone, anywhere and it doesn’t matter if your tyres are new or old if the rocks are sharp enough they can make a hole in your tyre. This is why people used to fit Run Flat tyres in their cars to get extra time to reach the nearest tyre shop or garage.
Flat tyres sometimes can’t be avoided, you can prevent this situation by taking care of your Bridgestone Tyres in Birmingham. In this blog post, we will talk about the major causes of flat tyres and how you can prevent flat tyres earlier.
8 Reasons For A Flat Tyre In Your Vehicle
Exposure To Extreme Weather & Temperatures
If your car tyres come into contact with extreme weather and temperatures constantly it can damage your tyres and cause them to go flat. Driving in high temperatures can overheat your tyres and cause them to blow out. On the other hand, the cold makes your tyre tread compound more brittle and rigid which can reduce the traction and grip.
Road Hazards
If you driving on rough and bad roads it will definitely damage your car tyres. If the road is rocky, uneven or full of potholes, the chances of having a flat are higher. Rough roads can also damage your tyre tread, thinning them out and resulting in a leak.
Tyre Punctures
If you heard from someone that my car has a flat tyre then most of you think it happened because of a tyre puncture and it is the most common cause of a flat tyre. Sharp objects such as screws, rocks, nails and other materials found on the road surface can puncture your tyre. If the damage is deep enough it can leak out air which causes a flat.
Worn Down Tread
Tyre wear is a natural process and your tyre eventually wears down no matter how much you take care of your tyres due to the constant road friction. The tinner and worn down your tyre tread is, the more prone to get punctured by sharp objects, rips and tears in the remaining tread.
Poor Driving Habits
If you are driving rough meaning you are taking sharp turns, pressing hard brakes and accelerating, it can expose your car and tyre to different road hazards, which can result in a flat tyre.
Incorrect Tyre Pressure
Maintaining the ideal tyre pressure is important to keep your tyre safe. Filling too much air can cause overinflation, reducing traction and grip on the road, and making your car bounce and slip. Filling too little air is a leading cause of tyre blowouts because it compromises the internal structure.
Your tyres can get damaged by vandalism. If someone makes small cuts in your tyres it will leak air once you move the tyre and cause a flat. Check your tyres regularly to look for those damages.
Faulty TPMS
The Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) warns you to use indicators if your tyre air pressure is below 25% below the optimum level. But for some reason, if your TPMS won't work you can’t able to tell if there is sufficient air pressure in your tyres.
4 Ways To Prevent A Flat Tyre
In most cases if a tyre blowout it happens because of poor tyre condition. So we can do a little preventive maintenance to reduce the chances of getting a flat. You can follow these simple checklists to avoid flat tyres.
Check The Tyre Pressure Once A Month
If your tyre has low air pressure it can heap up faster, consume more fuel and cause premature tread wear. If your tyre has too much air pressure it can cause a rougher ride and may be more prone to road hazards. You will find the ideal tyre pressure on a sticker inside the car door, or in your car manual. If you have spare tyres, check their pressure too.
Avoid Hazards On The Road
In the UK, the roads are full of potholes and your tyres can bear the brunt. If your tyre hits a pothole while you are driving at high speed, the rubber can split which causes an immediate flat. If you are in a situation where you can’t avoid potholes while driving, then take your foot off the brakes to keep moving your tyre in motion, this will help spread the force of the impact.
Watch Your Weight
Overloading your car with too much weight is not good for your tyres especially if the weight is more than the load rating of the tyre. It can become dangerous and your car tyres can blow out. Check your tyre sidewall to know the correct load rating and also check the owner’s manual for your car to know the gross vehicle weight rating.
Check The Tyre Tread
There are two ways you can check the tread depth of your tyres. Either you can use a tread depth gauge to test the tread depth of your Cheapest Tyres in Birmingham or you take a 20p coin and put it in the tread to check the tread depth. If you can’t see the outer part of the coin, you still have sufficient tread depth.
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