Why Is It Easier To Give A Child The Correct Dose Of Acetaminophen
Now, it has become easier for parents to administer their kid the correct dose of acetaminophen. That reason is that the concentration of liquid acetaminophen is the same now for bottles for infants and older children. The only difference is that these bottles for infants usually have a syringe while those for older children have a dosing cup. Earlier, medicine made for the infants used to be far more concentrated compared to that for older children. What would that do to parents who did not know the differences in quantities of acetaminophen? There was a chance of them giving their child either excessive or too less medicine.
Despite this change in liquid acetaminophen for infants or older children, parents should be on guard. It is possible for them to have some liquid acetaminophen of the earlier concentration. If the expiry date of this concentrate hasn't exceeded, it is usable. However, parents must check the label to guarantee that the right dose is administered.
How To Tell That An Acetaminophen Concentration Is Older Or Newer?
The earlier medicine will have “80 mg/1mL” or “80 mg/0.8mL” on the label. The label of the newer medicine will show “160 mg/5mL.”
What Would Be The Correct Amount Of Acetaminophen For Infants?
There is no doubt that the new formula is useful for parents. Yet, a good number of labels don’t feature the acetaminophen dosage for children aged less than two years. Going by AAP guidelines, parents must take children of 12 weeks or less to the GP if they have a fever. Parents are advised against treating a fever at home. This rule does not hold for children who are eight weeks or older who get a fever post-vaccination.
What Else Has Changed In Prescription Medications That Have Acetaminophen?
All prescription medications having acetaminophen of over 325 mg have been discontinued. The FDA has directed manufacturers to restrict the quantity of acetaminophen in such medications to 325 mg. The FDA has taken this step to thwart liver injury from an overdose. Some such drugs are Vicodin, Percocet, Fioricet, and Fioricet with codeine.
Why Has The FDA Taken This Step To Restrict The Amount To 325 Mg?
4000 mg is the maximum day-to-day acetaminophen dosage. Now, a number of prescription medications had acetaminophen of up to 750 mg in one pill. They increased the chances of an accidental overdose.
It would be helpful for people if they could get the whole list of the discontinued prescription medications. There is good news for them. The FDA has issued an article. It focusses on prescription acetaminophen medications whose acetaminophen amount is limited to 325 mg. This list of prescription acetaminophen medications is available online.