Why Are Himalayan Hemp Backpacks Better Than The Others?

Posted by Anna Eliza
Jan 19, 2022
Hemp backpacks are the best if that is a query to you. However, people still consider it along with smoking weed and getting high. That is just being ignorant about hemp. Hemp has one of the most usable and eco-friendly fibres that you can naturally find on plants. While the whole world has leaned onto cotton only, hemp is trying to take the place it deserves. That will surely need some education about hemp. Let us keep our perusal to see what we are missing out on.

Hemp trees belong to the infamous marijuana family. While marijuana is still getting doomed in society, hemp is finding its way back up due to its natural healing properties. Hemp trees can take more than 7 years to nearly 40 years to completely grow and be mature. Hemp trees usually grow 5-7 meters and the fibres grow continuously without breaks. Let us talk more about the scientific factors of hemp and why it is only better to choose Himalayan hemp backpacks over other fibres?

What Is Hemp?

A healthy piece of hemp is 70 per cent cellulose and 8-10% lignin. The low amount of lignin and high amount of long continuous fibres make hemp strong as a material. Hemp being long and continuous has the least chance of being penetrated by sharp objects. This results in the long-lasting lifespan of hemp fibres. Moreover, hemp fibre being naturally anti-bacterial has a lot of healing aspects. Hemp being such a durable fibre, can be woven into different shapes like bags, purses, clothes and much more. Hemp is naturally strong and is 5 times durable than cotton and has 3 times the tensile strength.

Hemp also is a lot more eco friendly compared to other trees. One acre of hemp trees can easily soak up to 5-10 tonnes of CO2 a day. And a total of two crops can be grown a year. So that is nearly 15-20 tonnes of CO2 cleaned, per acre per year. Hemp has amazing properties that are unknown to a lot of people. Beyond the misconception of a hemp tree, weed is not directly linked with hemp. A hemp plant can provide us with a lot of benefits.

How Durable Is Hemp?

Hemp has amazingly strong fibres that help in weaving. Plus, as stated above, hemp is much stronger than cotton. Cotton is woven into strings and multiplied in such a manner. This is why cotton clothes are easily pierceable. Plus them being soft and delicate, the quality starts to deteriorate after a few washes or a few rough uses. Bags we use must be of heavy-duty material that can withhold any type of surface whatsoever. Bags are carried regularly, kept almost everywhere, often packed with overweight that puts some extent of stretch to the fibres of the bag, carried with a lot of stretches and tensions given to it. Hemp being a deserving fibre, can outstand all these stresses and remain in its shape. 

Like other fibres, hemp can be both made wet and dried which also makes it a washable and reusable product. Hemp’s moisture-absorbing ability naturally keeps the intended things dry on the inside. However, hemp is not waterproof, so you might just need to leave it to dry up once you get it wet. 

The amazing part is, most of these backpacks are handmade. And hemp neither still loses its rigidity and flexibility nor fade out or wear off wash after wash. Himalayan handmade hemp backpacks are just the perfect thing to have. Talking of eco-friendly, hemp has to be the first-ever breakthrough product that the world is yet to discover and acknowledge. 

How And Where Can I Use Hemp Bags?

Hemp is just plant fibre and the usage resembles other plant fibres as well. Just like cotton, hemp can be turned into any shape you wish. A bag, a carry, a Himalayan hemp shoulder bag, a purse, a laptop bag, a holdall, strong trekking backpacks, regular hemp backpacks in the UK, you name it. Anything that can be made of fibres and is intended to be heavy-duty and strong, can be made of hemp. Hemp backpacks in the UK can be used in several ways and humans are yet to find it out as they keep learning more and more about hemp.

Why Are Himalayan Hemp The Best?

Himalayan hemp is the best as these hemp trees grow up generally in colder and atmospherically higher regions, the fibres tend to be even longer and bigger to avoid cracks in extremely cold temperatures. Also, the trees grow to their fullest potential as hemp needs the least amount of water but a certain time to grow. In the Himalayas, since the temperature and the inaccessibility of regular tread, the trees grow quite naturally and without any fuss. And also, stated above, these trees can take 7-40 years to grow. The hemp tree that is nearly 38 years old will have much more strong fibre in it than the ones that are not mature to that age. 

Himalayan hemp is collected from the laps of the great Himalayas which makes them rare as well. These rare fibres make up your bag that you feel proud of. With hemp culture, you are entitled to receive more and more over time. As days go by, humans and their researches prove as well as discover more and more positive points about a hemp tree. 

Hope we could answer your query to some extent. If you feel motivated enough to give hemp a try, we would eagerly encourage you to try some of our products and try it out yourself. Himalayan hemp backpacks are paving the way to the future and we, Little India, welcomes you to the new eco-friendly world made of hemp fibres. Well, not quite literally though but you get the point. 

Contact us to know more about our products or just to have some knowledge about the natural quality of hemp. To find out the goodness in Himalayan hemp, we are there to help you out. 
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