Why a Man’s Male Organ Wakes Up Before He Does

Posted by John Dugan
Oct 24, 2016

One of the most interesting male organ problems – assuming it can be called a problem at all – is the presence of morning wood. For some men, the morning flagpole is simply noted and ignored, because it doesn’t bother them at all. But for others, tumescence first thing in the morning is very powerful, strong enough to rouse a man from his peaceful slumber and make it tough to get back to sleep. The good news is that regular morning hardenings are a sign that a man’s male organ care efforts are paying off. But why does the member choose to stand at attention first thing in the morning, every single morning?

Why the male organ wakes up so early

The fact is that the male organ isn’t just up and raring to go in the wee morning hours; it happens all throughout the night. Most men experience at least three episodes during sleep, sometimes more. This nocturnal tumescence is often the result of fluctuating hormones, which might explain why it happens much more often in younger men. As a man gets older and his male hormone naturally wanes a bit, so does the nighttime tumescence.

But there might be other reasons this happens so often. There was a time when it was believed that naughty dreams caused the issue, or that a man was constantly turned on. It turns out neither of those are true. As every man knows, a guy can have morning wood without a single sensual thought in his head. And baby boys in the womb have been observed with hardness at various times, which indicate that it can’t be naughty dreams. It has to be something purely physical.

Scientists have a few theories. The most common theory is that the body sends blood to the crotch area on a regular basis to help ensure proper oxygenation, just as it sends blood everywhere else. Sometimes that surge of blood leads to tumescence that might last for a few moments and then go away. Men are quite familiar with that fleeting feeling during the day, so it makes sense that it also happens at night, when sleep keeps a man unaware of what is happening.

That leads to the second big theory: Sleep cycles. The deepest sleep comes during the REM period of the cycle, and during that time humans have been known to do everything from sleepwalk to talk to their partners about nonsense things. That’s when the mind and body both ‘let go’ and anything becomes possible. During that time the male organ might become hard simply due to sensitivity, or perhaps due to amorous thoughts. No one knows for sure.

Staying ready for morning wood action 

What is known for sure is that morning hardness is tied to hormonal spikes. Men who are on the younger side, have been taking male hormone supplements or are otherwise doing things to boost their hormones are likely to experience morning wood more often than others do. If a man is accustomed to morning tumescence and notices a sudden decline in the frequency or hardness, he might want to mention it to the doctor, as it could indicate an underlying problem.

For men who want to take full advantage of the morning possibilities and enjoy the benefits with a partner – or by themselves! – can help ensure top performance with a great manhood health crème  (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin).  A high-quality cream will include a variety of vitamins, such as A, D and E, as well as L-argnine, an enzyme that helps promote better blood flow, and acetyl L carnitine, a neuroprotective that can help ensure the best male organ sensitivity. All these wonderful ingredients in a strong Shea butter emollient can work wonders for morning wood.

Visit http://www.menshealthfirst.com for additional information on most common manhood health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.
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