Which Option is Better for Your Premise - LED Light Fixture or Retrofit LED?
LEDs are a new advancement in the lighting system, allowing users to reduce their maintenance costs and time. When planning to upgrade the LED lights, it can be either done by utilizing the existing light fixtures with retrofit LED or replacing the existing lighting system with LED light fixtures. This article will help you to understand which could be a great option – LED light fixture or retrofit LED.
People usually get confused when it comes to switching to energy-efficient lighting. Today, LED technology has become more accessible option among a large variety of lighting system. LED offers various benefits, including low maintenance, durability, and also reduces monthly electricity bills.
As LED lighting uses only a small portion of energy as compared to traditional filaments and florescent bulbs, installing it in any property is a smart solution to lowering down total energy costs. Retrofit LED lights allow you to replace a traditional light lamp with LED equivalent, without replacing the existing lighting fixture. However, many fixtures are required to be replaced or retrofitted with LED modules.
Let’s know which option you should consider for achieving energy-efficient lighting:-
LED Light Fixtures
LED light fixtures are made with advanced LED technology, which you need to replace with the existing lighting fixtures during the installation. This can be a good option for construction projects because of its long lifespan and need for replacing some specific design from your lighting system. The need for replacement occurs when older lighting technologies are not supporting hi-tech features.
Retrofit LED
There are times when people don’t want to replace their existing lighting fixture or are low on budget, then retrofit LEDs are an excellent option. Retrofit LED uses the existing lighting fixtures either via a simple screw-in option or complete retrofit kit depending on what works well with existing lighting equipment. This option can be a time-saving and less expensive way to make a transition to LED lighting.
LED Light Fixture vs. Retrofit LED
When deciding on which lighting system you should choose, you need to keep some important factors in mind such as cost and ease of installation.
• Cost: Retrofitting with screw-in LED option is the most economical way to upgrade your property’s lighting. On the other hand, LED light fixtures can cost higher if you need to replace the existing lighting infrastructure.
• Ease of Installation: Retrofit LED plug-and-play option could be the simplest way to switch to LED technology. While replacing the existing lighting may demand more efforts, time and money.
Both retrofit LED lights and LED light fixtures gives a large selection of benefits. To decide which option fits best for your project, you need to take your needs, budget, and infrastructure into consideration. However, make sure to choose the option that costs you less and ask for the least maintenance as much as possible.