What Kind Of Benefits Does Sap B1 Hana Offer For Small And Medium Businesses ?

Posted by Dattatreya Kulkarni
Feb 9, 2022

Databases management is a crucial element for any business. And SAP Hana is one of the most popular choices for this. It is known for its efficiency, reliable performance, easy ownership management and a host of other perks. So, many businesses find it to be a worthy support for their SAP Business One implementation. The power of Hana combined with the automation and streamlined business management offered by Business One can benefit small and medium sized businesses in so many ways. So, here are some of the SAP B1 Hana benefits you should know about.

sap business one hana

Benefits Of SAP Business One Hana

1. A Sensible Approach To Accessing Data

Data management becomes more practical in the business point of view when real-time access of relevant information is easy. This sometimes comes in handy for making timely business decisions. And other times it is to understand the current progress. In the whole operational flow, all types of data can be brought into the same database and real-time access of this data becomes easy with Business One Hana. This helps impart an agility to businesses. Real-time access of cash-flow data also helps in better budgeting.

 2. TCO Reduction

Total cost of ownership is one of the aspects that many businesses consider when they have to make a major investment. Whenever there is a physical storage involved, the upfront costs as well as the maintenance costs can be huge. And then there is the excess cost of scaling when the business grows. But all this can be reduced with the advanced databased management that SAP B1 Hana brings. As a result, the hardware related costs come down. This helps in reducing the total cost of ownership for the business.

 3. Improved Overall IT Infrastructure

Any solution that helps in bringing long-term improvements to the infrastructure will be worth spending on. And B1 Hana is one such solution for small and medium sized businesses. The IT infrastructure of the business determines how easy it is to access data and perform analytics. A lot of the reporting tasks also depending on the efficiency of this infrastructure. Using B1 Hana to simplify the IT infrastructure makes it possible to implement accurate analytics. Along with this comes interactive reporting which makes it possible for businesses to make informed-decisions. And these reports can also be generated quickly so that instant capture of the progress is possible. With all these benefits, the investments made in the IT infrastructure will be cost-effective especially for a rapidly-growing business.

Also Read: SAP Business One–Price List Feature

The noticeable change with SAP B1 Hana will be the improved response times that this implementation brings. Even for a business that has unprecedented increase in the data volume will not be a challenge with B1 Hana in place. Business One helps in providing automation at different levels. With business management advancements like this one, the presence of a robust database is pivotal. And this is where Hana takes over and so together they make a resilient pair that small and medium sized businesses can benefit from. 

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