What is the Unique Manufacturing Process of Votive Candles?

Posted by Sanjeev Yadav
Sep 1, 2022

A votive candle is a small type of candle made with beeswax yellow with the intention of prayer. These candles are mainly visible in churches. People mostly use this candle for worship purposes. The size of this candle is two inches tall and half inches in diameter.

This candle is made of different types of wax, such as paraffin, soy wax, and beeswax. The manufacturing process of this candle is very much unique and compelling. In various religions, prayer candles have vast usefulness. It is very unique and effective.

The Significance of Votive Candles

Prayers and candles play an essential role in the Catholic church. It symbolises the light that is useful in religious practice. A perpetual light can keep burning in the temple. Candles show divine favour and the presence of the gods. People have adapted the use of lit candles for evening prayer ceremonies, funeral processions, and liturgical processions.

In the Catholic church, a candle has special significance because it represents Christ. People prefer to light candles before the lord to fulfill their desire or wish. Prayer candles are a common helpful thing in the catholic church. Lighting a candle for someone is a way to extend your prayers and show solidarity with the prayer person.

Reasons for Lighting Votive Candles

In the Christian tradition, light is a symbol of faith, truth, virtue, wisdom, and grace that can ardour the prayer and sacred presence of Christ. People light a candle before a statue to significantly show their love and respect.

The light signifies the prayer offered in faith that comes to the light of god. With the light of faith, people show a unique desire or wisdom to god. A burning candle can symbolise sacrifices. This candle attracts people through divine ways.

Essential ingredients for votive candles

Candle-making is a spiritual experience for many people. There is a unique spiritual experience regarding the manufacturing of prayer candles. You have to gather these essential ingredients to make scented votive candles-

• One medium-sized measuring cup

• Medium-sized saucepan filled with water

• One scale

• 3 ounces white beeswax

• 3 ounces soy wax

• ½ ounce scent

• One candle dye block

• Two metal votive moulds with pins

Making the Process of Votive Candles

First, blend beeswax with pillar soy wax that gives the longest burn and has a great cold and hot scent. You have to use the ingredients with the number of prayer candles. Next, heat the saucepan half filled with water on medium-high. Place the measuring cup with the wax blend inside of it. Heat to desired wax temperature.

Check the colour by dropping a small amount of wax into wax paper. Do not use temperatures over 170 to 180 degrees; otherwise, the high temperature can burn the wax. You can find good-quality prayer candles from authentic votive candle manufacturers.

You can understand the usefulness of choosing a good-quality prayer candle from the above information. You can search online to buy the best quality prayer candles..

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