What is the Best Way to Format Text in Discord?

Posted by Susan Grey
Dec 27, 2022

I am sure that if you are here surfing our guide then, you are definitely familiar with the very awesome application Discord. Discord allows people to play games and chat at the same time and people can easily complete these functions if they have a Discord account, however, even after having a Discord account, many people are not familiar with the Discord text formatting generator which people can use when they want to format their text on Discord. 

We are going to tell you how you can very easily complete discord code formatting in the application using Markdown. 

How can people format text in Discord?

People need to know the lightweight markup language format text is discord as this language is used by the application when they want to write to create text. The language is very similar to HTML as there are certain codes that people need to know while formatting text in the application and here, we are sharing the basic codes that you can use to format your text like discord text format color

1. To make the text Bold

It is very simple to Bold any text as people need to place two asterisks (*) before and after the text that they need t highlight. For exp: **your text here**

2. To italicize the text

You need to use a single asterisk (*) at the start and the end of your text to make it show in italics and do not confuse this with the bold command. For exp: *your text*. 

for more read - https://www.bulbapp.com/u/how-to-use-discord%E2%80%99s-text-formatting-tools

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