What is RCMP fingerprinting?

Posted by Notarizers
Oct 12, 2019
Image The RCMP Fingerprinting is said to establish a person’s identity which is for a criminal record check. Even if names and other identifiers can be faked, the fingerprints are said be unique to every individual. Since fingerprints are taken when an arrest takes place or when there is any booking for the criminal record generation, it is said to be a fairly definitive way to reference the criminal records files which might be associated with an individual. The RCMP’s CCRTIS is said to be the division that maintains and runs the criminal record check and is said to be responsible for the processing of the fingerprint submissions where it also provides the resulting records.

What is the difference between digital fingerprinting and traditional ink fingerprinting?

There are said to be two methods of RCMP fingerprinting i.e. the digital and the traditional ink fingerprinting. Digital fingerprinting is done with the use of a high-definition digital scanner in order to capture the fingerprints. These are said to be combined with the criminal records check application and is then electronically transferred to the RCMP which is through a secure portal. The traditional ink fingerprinting is done by taking ink impressions of the fingerprints on to the paper and then there is the submission of it physically which is along with the associated forms. These both are said to be valid methods of the RCMP fingerprinting. But the digital printing is mostly preferred since it expedites the process significantly which is over the physical ink or paper submission.

When it comes to FBI and RCMP fingerprinting, Notarizers Notary Public Services has the best RCMP Accredited Fingerprinting Agent which is also accredited by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police which assists the individuals who require fingerprinting services for Canada immigration and also for the criminal background check in Ontario.
For fingerprinting, there is a requirement of factors like citizenship, immigration, criminal pardons, and applying for foreign visas. In addition, the computers can analyse the fingerprint scan quickly and then compare it with thousands of other finger scans and also of the fingerprints that have been obtained by traditional means and also those which are digitally photographed and stored. Through this method, the process of searching for the finger image records in the criminal investigation speeds up easily. The RCMP Accredited Fingerprinting Agent can help you in Canadian criminal background check whether it is for education, employment, adoption or volunteering. If you want to get your criminal background check in Ontario, then you can contact us and then be fingerprinted. The criminal background check in Canada is common, but the number of background checks that are requested and performed has been increased recently where it is also a mandatory requirement in most of the fields.

If you have applied to visit or immigrate to Canada permanently or on a temporary basis, then you are required by law to get your fingerprints taken before the application can be processed. The Canadian immigration services provided by us will assist you in preparing the letter which you require to provide to the Canadian citizenship and immigration office where it will be verified before fingerprinting.

For further information on on what RCMP fingerprinting is all about, please contact Notarizers by email at Info@Notarizers.ca or by phone at 416-782-5926.

Victor Opara. Victor Nnamdi Opara. Notary Public. RCMP Accredited Fingerprinting Agent. Pardons, Waivers. Police Clearance. Notarizers.ca. TheTorontoNotary.com. TheFingerPrinter.com, RCMPeFingerprinting.com in North York, Toronto, Etobicoke, Scarborough, Ajax, Markham, Woodbridge, Thornhill, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Mississauga, and Brampton.
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