What is Rahu Mahadasha?
Rahu is a notorious planet known to almost
all laymen as a harbinger of lunar and solar eclipses. Rahu is a born malefic
with no allotted house in the zodiac. It mirrors the qualities of the lord of
the house that it occupies. If he is placed in the home of Saturn, he reflects
Saturnian elements. Rahu is a prominent mythological figure whose nefarious
aspirations to possess the divine nectar were successfully thwarted by Lord
Vishnu. Nevertheless, he has a prominent place in the zodiac, which none can
deny. It would be only wise not to take him lightly.
Although Rahu is usually
malefic, he is also well disposed towards those he extends his beneficial
influence on. As per the vimshottari calculation, the malefic and benefic
impact of Rahu in his ruling period can be investigated to get a clearer
picture of his traits. Rahu mahadasha
is 18 years, all in all, during which period, he impacts the destiny of
humankind in a significant way.
What are the
malefic effects of Rahu Mahadasha?
Rahu's evil characteristics are heightened if
he posited in a house owned by a malefic planet. He is at his worst when
afflicted by Saturn, Mars, and Sun. Scorpio or Sagittarius's placement of Rahu
can be devastating on the native's fortunes as Rahu is debilitated in these
houses. His association with Saturn in any place of the zodiac can bring in
shrapit yoga known for its grahana/Chandra dosha. Rahu's mahardasha can spell
significant harm if associated with mars in any house. Problems due to Rahu's
mahardasha can be of diverse types. You may have to face health hazards and
expulsion from your job, with your personal life going topsy turvy. Malefic effects
of Rahu Mahadasha are multifarious.
You may also be knee-deep in debt during his period. It is primarily known to cause havoc and adverse impact on the course of life if it arrives a little too soon, in your childhood. Your impressionable years may be marked with strife, turmoils arising from legal issues, sibling rivalry, problems from influential persons and government sources.
How does Rahu benefit during his Mahadasha?
When he is beneficial, as seen in the case of
a few people, the native's life situation can be nothing short of a miracle. To
rightly put it, it would be all things rosy and pink. When he is benevolent, he
can turn the native s life into a paradisical experience. Rahu benefits during
his mahadasha to a
large extent.
The exaltation points for Rahu are Gemini and
Taurus. Mahardasha of exalted Rahu surprises you with wealth, wisdom, an
admirable social standing, unexpected gains, soaring confidence levels,
spiritual experiences, international travel, to name a few. Luck of this
magnitude can be expected if Rahu is positioned in the 3rd, 6th, and 10th
house in your birth chart. The benefic impact will be accentuated due
to the aspect of Jupiter, Venus, moon, and mercury on Rahu. A benefic Rahu
empowers the native with optimism, grit, assertiveness, and being people
friendly. Rahu brings the best out of the native, along the lines of career or
academics or for overseas travel. He bestows fame, positions of honor, and sharp
intellect on the native. The native would acquire a superiority over others,
and an authoritative figure, with an added repository of knowledge. The native,
if in marriageable age, could marry suddenly, or he may go abroad to settle
there permanently. The spouse acquired at this time would prove to be a boon
from the heavens. Children would be obedient, and a new house would be
acquired, vehicles could be purchased, new land and properties could be bought
during the period of beneficial Rahu. Rahu's placement in the second, third,
fourth, fifth, seventh, and tenth house in the sun or Venus sign can bring
unprecedented luck and fame.
How is Rahu
Mahadasha different from Rahu Antardasha?
Rahu mahardasha is compartmentalized into
anthardashas. The Rahu antardasha of Rahu mahardasha brings down your morale
and the will to endure. This period would be characterized by the fear of
snakes, family disagreements, depression, anxiety from water sources, suicidal
ideation, discord with friends, harmful friendship, and promiscuity. Rahu
mahadasha is different from Rahu anthardasha in a significant way.
If he is debilitated, especially in Scorpio
or Sagittarius, the results are more harmful than good in the Rahu anthardasha
period. If he is conjoined with malefics, the results would be traumatic. Your
disposition during the mahardasha of Rahu would be that of procrastination and
inertia. During this dasha, Rahu may disappoint you with legal
proceedings, arrests, and many other harmful turns of events.
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