What is Neuropathy? How Does It Affect the Body and What Are the Treatment Options?
Neuropathy is a general term used to describe disorders or diseases of the peripheral nerves. The peripheral nerves are the nerves that originate outside of the brain and spinal cord. The most common type of neuropathy is diabetic neuropathy, which is caused by diabetes. Other causes of neuropathy include:
● toxins such as
alcohol and certain drugs.
● infections such
as HIV/AIDS and Lyme disease.
● physical injury to the nerves, such as from a car accident or surgery.
Also, it can affect any part of the body, but it most commonly affects the hands and feet. Symptoms vary depending on which nerves are affected, but common symptoms include:
● numbness or
tingling in the hands or feet.
● burning pain
● weakness in the
hands or feet.
● difficulty walking or balancing.
So, if you face any of the above-mentioned problems, it is better to consult a neurologist in Lake County, IL. A neurologist is a doctor who specializes in diseases and disorders of the nervous system. He can help you to determine the underlying cause of your neuropathy and recommend an appropriate treatment. Treatment options for neuropathy include:
- Medications:
Medications can be used to treat the underlying cause of neuropathy, such
as diabetes or infection. There are many types of medications such as pain
medication i.e. used to relieve pain in the hands and feet,
antidepressants that can help to relieve nerve pain, and drugs that can
help to improve nerve function.
- Physical
Therapy: Physical therapy can be helpful in improving strength, balance,
and coordination in people with neuropathy. This type of therapy not only
helps to improve symptoms but also helps to prevent falls and further
- Surgery:
In some cases, surgery may be recommended to relieve pressure on a nerve
or to remove a tumour or cyst. However, surgery is generally a last resort
after other treatments have failed.
- Alternative
Therapies: There are many alternative therapies that have been shown to
help people with neuropathy, including acupuncture, chiropractic care, and
massage therapy. All these therapies can help to reduce pain and improve
nerve function.
In conclusion, neuropathy can be a very
disabling condition. However, with appropriate treatment, most people can
improve their symptoms and lead a relatively normal life. So, If you are
experiencing any problems with your peripheral nerves, it is important to see a
neurologist in Lake County, IL. He
can suggest the right treatment for you and help you to get on the road to
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