What Is It Really Like On A Teen Summer Program Traveling Through Costa

Posted by Liz Seyi
Jul 15, 2024

Teens and parents - If you're still looking for an exciting summer adventure that's way more than just a generic teen tour, you are in the right place!

Our teen service trip to Costa Rica, Coast to Canopy, is packed with fun, adventure, exploring, service, and learning. So, here's what high schoolers can expect:

We start the trip by meeting up in Miami and then fly south to San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica. We'll get to know each other on the plane and at our first night's stay in the city.

Service work in a local community

After a good night's sleep after a busy travel day, the trip can truly begin. Our first stop, after getting supplies, is a small village in the Turrialba valley for our community service projects. Projects vary trip by trip, but often include small building and construction tasks, garden projects, helping with the local kids, and other tasks to help the community.  We work in partnership with the village, working alongside the locals on projects they have shared they need help with. There is also plenty of time for games, hanging out with local kids, and exploring our new home.

Adventure activities and exploring the coast

For the next section of our trip we hit the Caribbean coast! Get ready for awesome views, surfing lessons, zipline, and chilling on the beach. Plus, we'll learn and develop your Spanish by chatting with locals. We also learn from the Bribri people as the group discover their traditional medicine and how they make chocolate. 

White water rafting through the jungle

From here, we head back inland, for an epic adventure as we raft down the Pacuare River for three days! Think rainforests, waterfalls, and falling asleep next to the river, listening to nothing but the jungle wildlife around us. This a great place for spotting sloths and other local wildlife!

As our journey through Costa Rica comes to an end, we finish our rafting trip and wrap things up with a final night banquet and some time to reflect on our experiences together before heading back home.

So, if you're looking for a meaningful service adventure this summer, that allows you to give back and gain certified service hours along the way, don't miss out on this trip! Grab a spot as availability is limited. 

See you in Costa Rica!

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