What Does Firefox's PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR Mean?

Posted by Priya Mervana
Apr 20, 2024

When using the Firefox web browser, users may occasionally encounter the cryptic error message "PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR" when trying to connect to a website. This confusing message may leave users wondering what exactly the error means, what might be causing it, and how to go about fixing it. 

In this article, we'll demystify the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR by explaining what it signifies, outlining its common causes, and providing troubleshooting steps to resolve it. We'll also look at preventative measures to avoid the error as much as possible when browsing in Firefox.

Gaining an understanding of the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR can help diagnose connection problems, optimize network settings, and overall provide a smoother web browsing experience in Firefox.


The PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR is an error code that indicates a connection was reset (closed) by the remote host or server Firefox was communicating with.
Some key points about the error:

  • PR_CONNECT_RESET denotes the connection was "reset" or forcibly closed from the other end.
  • It signifies an abrupt interruption in communication between Firefox and the remote server.
  • The error surfaces when Firefox attempts to communicate with a remote host (website server) but does not get the expected response.
  • It is not an issue with Firefox itself but rather the connection between Firefox and the website/server.

In essence, PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR means the remote server closed the connection before Firefox expected it to close, disrupting the flow of communication.

The error prevents Firefox from retrieving the expected content from the website server. This results in connection timeouts, failure to load web pages, and other issues when trying to access the site.

What Causes the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR in Firefox?

There are a few common culprits that lead to the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR in Firefox:

Network Connection Issues

Problems with your local network or internet connectivity are a prime suspect behind PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR. A poor or unstable connection prevents Firefox from maintaining consistent communication with the remote server. Reasons can include:

  • Weak wireless signal
  • Faulty network hardware like routers, modems or network cables
  • Bandwidth congestion from too many users/devices on one network
  • ISP network disruptions or intermittent connectivity

Firewalls, Proxies, and Security Software

Firewall settings, proxies, VPNs, security suites and other networking software can interfere with Firefox's connections and cause reset errors. The software may drop/block connections it perceives as suspicious.

Server-Side Issues

Problems on the remote website's server itself can lead to reset errors. For example:

  • The server closing connections due to timeouts, too many requests or security reasons.
  • The server unexpectedly restarting, crashing or being taken offline.
  • Website coding errors inadvertently disrupting connections.
  • The website blocking connections from certain regions or IP addresses.

Browser Caching and Cookie Issues

Firefox caching and cookies help optimize connections to frequently visited sites. But sometimes these components become corrupted and disrupt communication. Clearing caches/cookies may resolve the issue.

In summary, the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR ultimately points to a connection disruption between Firefox and the remote server. Network problems, misconfigurations, server hiccups or browser file errors can all be potential culprits.

How to Fix the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR in Firefox

Here are some troubleshooting steps to resolve the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR in Firefox:

  1. Check Your Network Connectivity

First, check that you have a stable internet connection and your router, modem and other network hardware are working properly. Switch networks or disconnect/reconnect devices if needed.

  1. Disable Proxies, VPNs and Firewalls

Temporarily turn off any proxies, VPN services or firewalls you may have enabled. This isolates whether they are interfering with connectivity.

  1. Clear Firefox's Cache and Cookies

Go to Options > Privacy & Security in Firefox and click "Clear Data". Delete cached web files and cookies to eliminate possible corrupted files.

  1. Try Using a Different Network

Attempt accessing the site on different networks like a mobile hotspot, friend's WiFi, office network, etc. If it works, it indicates your usual network is the culprit.

  1. Restart the Browser and Computer

Fully restarting Firefox or your system can reset connections and resolve transient network issues.

  1. Contact Your ISP if Connectivity Issues Persist

For recurring connection problems across different sites, contact your ISP about network disruptions in your area.

  1. Contact the Website Owner

If the error only occurs on one site, it may be a server issue on their end. Notify the website owner/admin about the connectivity problems.

Persistence usually indicates network issues or server-side problems. A quick fix may simply be retrying the request until it goes through. But do investigate further if the error keeps recurring.

How to Avoid the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR in Firefox

Here are some tips to minimize PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERRORS while browsing:

  • Ensure your network connection and hardware are in working order. Ethernet cables are more reliable than WiFi.
  • Disable any unnecessary proxies, VPNs and firewalls that may disrupt connectivity. Only use reputable software.
  • Clear Firefox's cache/cookies periodically to remove corrupted files before they affect connections.
  • Keep Firefox updated to the latest version to have browser improvements and bug fixes.
  • Avoid overloaded networks with bandwidth congestion issues.
  • For sensitive browsing, use Firefox's private mode which doesn't cache files across sessions.
  • Use Firefox's Responsive Design Mode to test sites at different network speeds.
  • On an unreliable network, set Firefox to automatically start downloads again if the connection drops.

Paying attention to the browser's settings and network conditions can go a long way towards avoiding connectivity hiccups that lead to PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR.

Frequently Asked Questions About PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR

Here are some common FAQs about Firefox's PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR:

  1. Is PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR an issue with Firefox?

No, the error indicates a connection issue between Firefox and the remote server, not a problem with Firefox itself. It arises from network problems or server-side configuration issues.

  1. Does PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR mean my internet is not working?

Not necessarily. It can occur even with working internet if there are problems specific to Firefox connectivity or remote server communications. But it is wise to first verify your internet connection is stable.

  1. How can I determine what is causing the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR?

Start troubleshooting by checking your network connectivity and hardware. Disable any proxies, VPNs or firewalls as they can interfere with connectivity. Try accessing the site from a different network. If the issue persists, contact your ISP or the website owner.

  1. Why does PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR only happen on some sites but not others?

If the error only occurs on some sites, it indicates a server-side issue on those particular sites and not your network connection. It may be a problem with that site's server configuration or coding errors.

  1. How can I prevent getting PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR in Firefox?

Make sure to have a stable internet connection and networking hardware. Disable unnecessary proxies/firewalls. Clear Firefox's cache periodically and keep the browser updated. Avoid overloaded networks. Use private browsing mode for sensitive browsing.

  1. Does PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR pose any security risk?

No, it does not pose any major security risk by itself. The error simply indicates connectivity was disrupted. But if it occurs frequently on secure sites it can prevent accessing sensitive data, so the underlying cause should be addressed.

  1. Why does my internet work but I still get PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR on some sites?

Even with working internet some sites may have server or network issues specific to connections from your location and IP address. Trying different networks can help determine if your usual network or ISP is having routing problems.

In summary, tackling PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR requires checking both browser settings and network conditions. While frustrating, it is one of the simpler Firefox errors to resolve. With consistent connectivity and proper configuration, users can get back to smooth browsing.


The cryptic PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR in Firefox simply indicates a connection issue between the browser and the remote website server. Network disruptions, firewalls, browser caches or server problems usually trigger it.

Troubleshooting involves verifying network hardware, trying different connections, clearing browser files, restarting devices and contacting the website owner if it persists. Preventative measures include maintaining connections, disabling unnecessary networking software and keeping Firefox optimized.

While the error may temporarily disrupt accessing sites, methodically checking configurations typically reveals the culprit. Patience and testing alternate options can usually get Firefox working again without major issues. Paying attention to connection settings goes a long way to avoid PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR and have seamless browsing.

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