What Are Timber Flooring Installation Mistakes Need To Avoid?

Posted by Alice Wilson
Nov 9, 2022

Timber Flooring Adelaide can be a beautiful addition to your home. It's durable, natural, and timeless. But it's not always easy to install. If you don't follow proper installation procedures, you might end up with floors that warp or sag over time. These are all things that can be avoided if you do your research first and hire a professional installer—which is why we're here! We've put together this list of common mistakes people make when installing their new hardwood flooring so that yours won't suffer from them:

The floorboards are too thick.

Don't use floorboards that are too thick. The thickness of your floorboards will be dependent on the style and design you choose but make sure they're all consistent, or it could look bad.

If you've chosen a modern design, use thinner boards that will sit flush with each other, but if you've chosen something more rustic or traditional, then go for thicker boards to bring out the vintage feel. 

If one type of Floor Sanding Adelaide is much thicker than another (e.g., oak over pine), then it'll stick out like a sore thumb whenever someone walks across it; this is particularly true in kitchens where heavy foot traffic is common.

Finally, while there's no hard rule here regarding board thicknesses, keep in mind that thicker boards are usually more expensive than thinner ones, so if cost is an issue, then stick to thin ones!

The subfloor is not leveled properly

You can't install your new floorboards properly without a level subfloor. The subfloor is the first layer of your floor construction, which should be level to within 1/8". If it's not, you'll have problems with the rest of your installation—and possibly worse!

To check for a level subfloor, simply use a straight edge and plumb bob to make sure that there are no high or low spots anywhere on the surface. If any areas are more than 1/8" off-level, correct them by adding or removing drywall screws until they're all even. Once you've finished this step and tested again with a straight edge and plumb bob, you're ready for installation!

Floor Polishing Adelaide

The underlayment is insufficient.

Timber Flooring Adelaide that you install on top of the underlayment will be more comfortable and durable if the underlayment is thick enough.

It's important to choose an underlayment made of materials with good acoustic properties, as well as good thermal insulation properties. This can help reduce noise in your home and keep it more energy efficient.

The wrong type of adhesive was used.

Making the wrong choice of adhesive is one of the most common mistakes that people make when installing timber flooring.

Adhesives are important because they help to hold your timber floors together and also give them strength. There are different types of adhesives for different types of timber, so it's important to know which type you need for your project. 

For example, some adhesives will not be suitable for certain types of flooring. And if you choose the wrong type of adhesive, then it may cause problems later on in life for your timber flooring because it won't provide as much support or strength as you need.


This is a common mistake when installing Timber Flooring in Adelaide. The wood should not be thicker than 15mm, otherwise, it will damage the underlayment and add unnecessary weight to the structure of your home. It's important that you check with your installer before buying any new flooring materials so they can ensure everything matches up properly!

Source: What Are Timber Flooring Installation Mistakes Need To Avoid?

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