What are the types of Hematology Analyzers?

Posted by Akshay Oza
Sep 12, 2022

Hematology analyzers are also named cell counters as they are used to make a complete blood count (CBC) counting red blood cell (RBC), white blood cell (WBC), hemoglobin, and platelet counts, as well as hematocrit stages and many other parameters. The most shared conversation concerning cell counters is about 3-part differential cell counters and 5-part differential cell counters. The variance between a 3-part differential cell counter and a 5-part cell counter is that – a 3-part cell counter accounts for only 3 kinds of WBCs (neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes) while a 5-part can distinguish all WBC kinds (neutrophils, lymphocytes, basophils, eosinophils, and monocytes).

Coulter’s Principle

All hematology analyzers supplied by Hematology Analyzer Suppliers use Coulter’s Principle. A 3-part differential cell counter consumes Coulter’s Principle to regulate the scope and capacity of the cells. Coulter’s principle is applied through the use of two cathodes. Using hydrodynamic converging, the sample cells are sent through an opening one cell at a time. As the cells enter the opening, they fleetingly source electrical resistance to the current. This resistance is logged, assessed, augmented, and treated which can then be understood by the computer into a histogram.

The 3-part analyzer can distinguish between 3 kinds of WBCs, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes. In a 3-part differential cell counter basophils and eosinophils cannot be distinguished and are gathered with inhabitants of either neutrophils or monocytes. E.g. Sysmex XP-300 states neutrophils as a separate population and group monocytes with the rest. This could be valuable for airing bacterial contagions. 

Flow Cytometry in a 5-part analyzer

A 5-Part Differential analyzer uses both Coulter’s Principle and flows cytometry to regulate the granularity, span, and inner involvedness of the cells. As in the 3-part differential cell counter, the example cells are passed through an opening. Additionally, during this, a laser is focused on them, and the dispersed light is assessed at multiple angles. The absorbance is also logged. The cell can be established based on the isolated light's strength and absorbance level. A 5-part cell counter can distinguish all WBC kinds (neutrophils, lymphocytes, basophils, eosinophils, and monocytes).

6-part differential analyzer 

Recent mechanized hematology analyzers supplied by the Hematology Analyzer Suppliers in India also originate with a 6-part differential. They can organize undeveloped granulocytes (IG) as a sixth population and account for them as a fraction count of the entire WBC count and an absolute count. Attendance of IG in outlying blood designates augmented bone marrow activation, as understood in sepsis. They also report on Reticulocytes, Nucleated RBCs Fluorescent Platelet counts, etc., used for various medical necessities.

5-part or 6-part analyzers are more costly than 3-part analyzers but deliver more in-depth evidence about the example. Precise jobs, such as aversion testing or sponging contagions necessitate a 5-part differential examination. Though, most common inquiries can be finished with the 3-part analyzer.

Completely Automated hematology analyzers are usually envisioned for use in bigger medical amenities or laboratories. Semi-automated hematology analyzers are used in minor laboratories or as gridlock in large hospitals. Errands like blood sample thinning may not be mechanized in semi-auto analyzers.

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