What are the Benefits of Field Staff Location Tracking Software?

Posted by Rahul Tiwari
May 2, 2017
Image Do you have a team of staff who work out of the office? Not sure, if they’re utilizing their precious work hours to do the assigned jobs or whiling away their time? Put an end to your concerns with the help of a real-time field staff tracking app.

Managers very often are at their wits end when it comes to accurately monitoring their remote employees aka field team. There is always the nagging doubt of whether the employees are working to their full potential. Unlike regular desk employees, who are under the watchful eye of their managers, field staffs don’t have a tight leash on them. This makes them liable to waste away their precious work hours.

Luckily, an On Field Employees Tracking Application can help managers monitor their field staff remotely while ensuring that they spend time wisely, while on the move as well as when they’re visiting clients.

Let’s explore a few of the major benefits of using this software.

1. Avoid Billing Inaccuracies

Employees are prone to make errors when they have to rely on their memories to record the time they spent with clients. This leads to billing errors, that isn’t favorable to both clients as well as the firm. It can even result in disrupting the relationship with your customer, making you end up losing them in the worst case.

However, you can avoid such a scenario by making use of a time tracking app. You can now have the exact time a field staff spent with the client. This ensures that the customer is billed fairly and helps you to build your rapport with them.

2. Real-Time Tracking

Field Staff Real Time Tracking App helps you track your remote employees with GPS connectivity. Managers can have real time data of the location of all field staff with this app. This is beneficial when you want to assign tasks to them in real time and to resolve issues that crop up quickly.

Also, field staffs have access to the client location. It helps them to reach a particular customer quickly without having to spend precious hours trying to navigate their way to the customer's place.

3. Boost Employee Productivity

Employees are likely to be more productive if they are aware that they are being monitored. Also, monitoring remote staff helps managers to resolve issues quickly and allocate the geographically closer located resource to the right client.

4. Better Resource Management

One of the biggest difficulties faced by managers is in deciding how to allocate resources in the right way. With real-time tracking of employees, managers have access to the data on their fingertips. They have a clear picture as to the time, effort and resource required for each client.

This helps them to wisely allocate the human resources in hand, without over or under utilization.

5. Administer the Right Feedback

With the tracking app, managers have a clear idea of the performance of each and every employee. This helps them deliver timely feedback so as to improve the future performance.

6. Time Sheet and Attendance Tracking

On Field Employees Tracking Application helps employees mark their presence once they get started on the jobs for the day. Also, the start and finish time for each task are tracked on the app. This helps managers get a clear picture of the actual time taken for each job, thereby altering the time frame of the project as and when it’s getting completed.

7. Cost-Effective

With an app, businesses eliminate the need for an IT team to monitor remote employees. Also, with improved productivity and accountability, enterprises can streamline the entire process, thereby cutting down unnecessary expenses and increasing profits.

With a Field Staff Real Time Tracking App, you can address all the issues related to the management of field staff and witness improved productivity.
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