What are Animal Feed Supplements?

Posted by Sanzyme Biologics
Sep 6, 2021

In the animal husbandry industry, the additional nutrition for farm animals and domesticated animals plays a major role in their overall development.

Animal feed supplements are given to them to provide additional nutrients or minerals. Without animal feed supplements, domesticated animals may become less immune, weak, and more prone to several diseases.

All animals like cattle, poultry, and aquatic animals need additional feed supplements to grow and maintain good health. Hence, food supplements are the most significant dietary routine given to domesticated animals.

What are Animal Feed Supplements?

The feed supplements are nothing but trace minerals, calcium, magnesium, probiotics, and enzymes that are fed to animals along with normal food.

These supplements will improve the immune system, fertility and maintain animal health. Most of the time, normal animal food isn't enough for their growth or development. Hence, feed supplements provide nutrient-rich food for the animals.

There are various types of animal feed supplements available in the market today. Whether it is for the animals that are raised for eggs, milk, or meat or for agricultural purposes. Animal feed supplements also differ from animal to animal. In fact, feed supplements are used in aquaculture to improve the reproductivity of fishes and shrimps and also to keep them healthy.

Since the animal husbandry industry is more commercialized than ever, animals are raised in large numbers and are expected to produce more quantities of meat, eggs, milk, etc. These animals can’t supply the expected amount of produce with just regular animal food and fodder. So, animal feed supplements need to be given to improve their overall health.

Additionally, it is the same case with aquaculture. Fishes, shrimps, and other aquatic animals that are bred in a highly commercialized setup like ponds or large tanks often require more nutrients because it is not available in the water. Hence, aquatic animals are given supplements that help in their growth, make them disease-resistant and improve their fertility.

So far, we got to know about animal feed supplements. Now, we’ll understand more about the different types of animal feed supplements.

You can find various brands that offer different animal health products. Sanzyme Biologics is one of the top companies with a wide range of animal feed supplements. Such as:

Uni Max

Uni Max is one of the best animal feed supplements used in aquaculture. The fish/shrimp often get affected by pathogenic bacteria which can cause digestive problems and other diseases. Uni Max releases enzymes like phytase, amylase, lipase, cellulase that can treat digestive issues and it also improves the immunity among shrimps and fishes.


PROME-BS is a feed supplement that is mainly used for poultry. The feed additive with  Probiotic CMO Bacillus subtilis, as a probiotic strain, helps in maintaining the nutritional intake and aids in weight gain of poultry animals.

Uni Nutrich Plus

Uni Nutrich Plus is another unique animal feed supplement used in aquaculture. Shrimp that are cultured in a commercial aquaculture setup such as a river or lake may not contain the required amount of salinity that supports the growth of shrimps. Hence, feed supplements like Uni Nutrich Plus will help in supplying shrimp culture minerals such as calcium or magnesium to shrimp. 


Animal feed supplements play an important role in animal husbandry. They ensure the overall well-being of animals by providing additional nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and probiotics. These feed additives will improve the immune system of animals.

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