Valuable Information About Electronic Payments Made Through Online Payment Service Providers

Posted by Payment Asia
May 26, 2016

Electronic payments are non-cash disbursements that do not involve pay cheques. With the help of PSPs money can be easily transferred from one person to the other in seconds.

Today, online buying has become a booming industry and you don’t have to wait for a particular shopping season to do your shopping. The web has become a boon to us as it offers us opportunities to take our business anywhere in the world. This means you should be able to receive and make payments electronically. This is why; electronic payment solution has become very popular nowadays. Anybody with basic computer skills can transfer money and make payments very easily.

Types of Payment Service Providers (PSP)

Online payment service providers can be divided into three categories; distributors, collectors and aggregators. Distributors are PSPs that offer multiple payment methods online through one interface. Collectors perform similar functions as distributors. However, they additionally, streamline settlements by collecting pay-outs on behalf of the customer without setting fees or commission rates. Consequently, the payment process is simplified and it benefits merchants greatly; merchants who provide several payment options prefer collectors as they prove economical to them. The third type of PSP is called an aggregator who supports multiple payment methods online through one interface. Moreover, they also collect pay-outs as well as contracts with financial institutions or banks.

Benefits of Online Payment Services

A PSP or payment service provider offers clients a payment gateway for making electronic payments; a range of payment methods are offered such as direct debit, credit card, bank transfer. Hence, online payment service providers are of great help especially for businesses that sell their products online. Today, there are a vast number of online shoppers. So, it’s unthinkable not to have such a service in the internet age. PSP services have become indispensable in today’s society. One of the biggest advantages is that risk-free guarantee is offered for your payment information and it is secured against fraud or theft. This makes consumers trust them. It is because of PSPs that credit card payments can be made and this greatly beneficial to business owners and vendors to accept online payments.

Electronic Payments

Today, many people shop online by making online payments. Various systems or gateways are used to settle payments. Hence, in today’s internet age electronic payment solution plays an important role not only to businesses, but also to individuals around the world.There are different kinds of electronic payments such as debit and credit cards which are very popular as it is easy to carry them and make payments. Money transfers can be made online from one account to the other in seconds.Customer-to-vendor payments are made when you pay bills through direct debit. You can also make payments by logging on to the website of your bank and authorising the bank to transfer money to a vendor or anybody you wish electronically. Additionally, you can have accurate and structured records of pay cheques you have dispersed. 

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