Understanding the mission of criminal defense lawyers

Posted by Peter Tomar
Oct 19, 2015
The mission of a Criminal Defense lawyer Halifax is quite simple. They just want to have satisfied customers. They complete understand that a lot of good individuals make mistake or are arrested even when they have not committed any crime. A lot of crimes are reported falsely and a lot of people are charged wrongly. Guilty till they are proven innocent is what happens most of the times. Irrespective of merits in a case bring a culprit or at least being accused of it many a times results in a huge amount of anxiety as well as emotional trouble for the person accused as well as their families.

The aim of a criminal lawyer Halifax is to help in making the process easy and less painful. They also take good time for explaining the whole process as well as the different strategies which are available for achieving the best results for your case.

Criminal law defense is a very difficult task. Being an efficient defense attorney needs a lot of skills, knowledge of the process as well as law, experienced, 

intelligence as well as an ability of communicating the concepts in an effective way. Communication is the most important thing. The major art of their job is to get the judge, prosecutor, jurors, etc to understand the whole picture of what all has happened and not only a snapshot which is reported by the witnesses or police. 

Drug’s Offences
Weapons offences
Bail hearing
Variation to the orders of the court
Applications of charter
Break and enter
Impaired driving as well as related offence
Driving influentially
Forced confinement
Drug offence

The biggest source of the laws in the country which given the drug-offences is the CSDA which is the controlled drugs and substances act.
The usual offences include:

Possession of any substance under section 4(1)
Trafficking of any substance under section 5(1)
Possession of substances for the purpose of trafficking under section 5(2)
Production of any substance under section 7(1)
Importing as well as exporting of any substance under section 6(1) and
Possession of any substance for exporting under section 6(2)

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