Understanding the Advantages and Disadvantages of Laminated Floors

Posted by Rahul V.
Jun 1, 2017

If you are having floors at home and office made of hard – wood then you have opted for elegance, glamour, tenderness and a charming aura, added to your dwelling place. However, you must understand where the problem areas lie with the wooden flooring options.

Wooden floors are quite costly, not affordable by all

  • They are very difficult to build or laid
  • They are very hard, from both financial and physical points of view to maintain.

So, you look at the next best option, something that would retain the beauty and attraction of the wooden floor, but would cost much lesser and would be easy to install and maintain. What can be better in all these counts than laminate flooring?

The Benefits of Laminate Flooring over Hard Wood Floors

  • You can install laminated floor pieces with a lot of ease, a marked advantage over installing the hard wood ones, which is time consuming, difficult and a costly affair. With all the modern technology available, you do not even need to use adhesives to fix the panels together. They can simply be placed side by side and snapped together. The hinges and grooves will take care of the rest.
  • Laminate flooring is a much cheaper yet durable option in comparison to wooden floors. Wood is too costly for the ordinary man to afford nowadays. Moreover, you also need to use a carpet on a wooden floor and that also involves a huge cost.
  • The durability factor comes next. Once you have made your floor of home or office, you must be expecting a minimum of 8 to 10 years for the floor to remain unscathed. That is possible only with a laminated flooring option.
  • Moreover, you can have laminated floors installed anywhere in the house, including the bathrooms, kitchens and landings
  • Cleaning or maintenance of this type of flooring is also like child’s play. All you need to do is wipe the floor with a damp cloth or sweep it with a smooth broom.

Some Of The Problem Areas With Laminate Flooring

Every good thing comes with some cons somewhere. That’s the rule, and it cannot encompass the good effects that laminate floors have.

  • Laminate floorings mostly come in Do – it – Yourself packs, where you don’t require a mason or a carpenter to do the installation work for you. So, you can get the best result only if you are quite familiar with DIY gadgets
  • The price range of the floor panels is huge. Some of the best laminate panels may cost as high as wooden pieces.

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